Dear Em & Lo
Dear Em & Lo
10 Reasons Your “Ugly Vagina” Is Normal and Gorgeous

There’s no such thing as an “ugly vagina.” Here’s why… Dear Em & Lo, A male acquaintance recently started a conversation about “ugly” vaginas with my friends and me. He said that some vaginas resemble “kebabs” and that a lot of guys are really put off sex when they get a hot girl naked and […]

Dear Em & Lo
My Ex Is Over Me, But I’m Not Over My Ex — Help!

Dear Em and Lo, My ex boyfriend and I were together for a little over 4 years (I’m in my 20s). For the first three years I loved him so much. I put in so much effort. He was the most beautiful, funny and wonderful man. But then things got a little rocky. I felt […]

Dear Em & Lo
My Husband, a Selfish Lover, Won’t Even Try to Give Me an Orgasm

We get a lot of advice questions coming in at, but sadly, we just can’t answer them all. Which is why, once a week, we turn to you to decide how best to advise a reader. This time, a woman finds herself married to a selfish lover. Make your call by leaving your advice in the comments section below.  […]

Dear Em & Lo
Dear Em & Lo, How Can I Get Back at My Boyfriend for Dumping Me So Cruelly?

Dear Em & Lo, I thought my boyfriend and I had a good relationship: we lived together, I took care of him, I took care of everything.  He said no one took care of him like I did, even though he’d had plenty of women before me. I thought we were happy. But he found […]

Dear Em & Lo
Dear Em & Lo, What Books Are a Good Intro to Open Relationships?

Dear Em & Lo, I would like to find literature that I can give to my wife,  on encouraging her to pursue non-monogamous relationships, as this could be good for our relationship. We are a mature couple and I think she and we could benefit from this. Thanks kindly, Open-Minded Dear O.M., First, are you […]

Dear Em & Lo
Dear Em & Lo, I Love Him But He’s Already Got a Girlfriend

Hi, I would like advice. I am single mother and I met someone on a dating website. When we met he told me he didn’t have a girlfriend. After a while, we were emailing each other every day. After 6 months, I finally met him face to face and we liked each other. But then he started telling […]

Dear Em & Lo
10 Steps to Orgasming Without a Vibrator (VIDEO)

Dear Em & Lo, I’m a 22-year-old woman who has only become sexually active over the last six months or so. I’m enjoying myself and being safe, but it’s starting to annoy me that I can’t have an orgasm without a vibrator. This really bothered my last boyfriend, which of course made me stressed out, […]

Dear Em & Lo
Dear Em & Lo, How Risky Is Oral Sex for STD Transmission?

I’m a teenager who was kinda pressured to give a guy oral (he’s my age) and though it was only for 3 minutes tops, I don’t know anything about his medical history except that he has had sex before. I myself had never done that before, nor have I had sex (I am a virgin) and didn’t even […]

Dear Em & Lo
I Hate My Big Vulva/Vagina — What Can I Do?

Dear Em & Lo, I am always self-conscious when it comes to wearing jeans and tight dresses and it’s all because of my big vulva/vagina. This really affects my self-esteem really bad and I think that I am not normal. My vulva/vagina looks big and when I push in too if it, I can already […]

Dear Em & Lo
Dear Em & Lo: I Got My Period During Sex and Am Mortified

Dear Em & Lo, I recently hooked up with a guy from work, but unfortunately things did not end up well. While we were having sex I got my period and it was brutal. I was so embarrassed that I didn’t want to finish. He was generally nice about the whole situation but things just […]

Dear Em & Lo
Dear Em & Lo: How Do I Deflower a Nice Young Man?

Hey Em & Lo! I’m in a tricky situation and don’t know where to look.  I’ve been dating this guy for about a month and found out that he’s a virgin. I’m not. By far. I’m looking for tips and tricks on how to train him and introduce him to this in a good way […]

Dear Em & Lo
“Help, I Don’t Have Enough Natural Lubrication for Intercourse!”

Dear Em & Lo, My bf and I have sex and it feels so amazing, but after at least 7 to 10 minutes later it begins to hurt and burn. I try using spit to help with the lubrication but that just seems to make matters worst. So how can I use lube during sex […]

Dear Em & Lo
Help, My Boyfriend Won’t Sever All Ties with His Ex!

Dear Em & Lo, HELLLLPPPP!!! So I’m recovering from a bad relationship and by luck, I just find someone new who is nurturing me to have good self-esteem and a good mindset and loves me and I love it. It’s more than what I could possibly ask for in life. Yet, he happens to have […]

Dear Em & Lo
I Like My Coworker Better Than My Boyfriend — Should I Break Up?

Dear Em & Lo, I’ve been with my boyfriend for 5 years and we live together. In the beginning we were madly in love but then, as with most couples, things changed. We argue all the time. He runs off to Florida for the weekend to visit his friend and only tells me 12 hours before […]

Dear Em & Lo
What Are the Rules of the Rebound?

Dear Em & Lo, I just got out of a long-term relationship. I’m just wondering how long one should wait before dating or hooking up or whatever it’s called these days again…? Is there a “right” amount of time? How can you tell if you’re rebounding? Is that a bad thing or is a rebound relationship something […]

Dear Em & Lo
My Boyfriend’s Penis Is So Big It’s Ruining Our Relationship!

The following reader commented on our post “My Boyfriend Is Too Big For Me.” Her comment and our follow-up to her is below. Dear Em & Lo, I have the same problem with my boyfriend [he’s too big for me] and I find that these columns are really unhelpful. Lube only helps temporarily but it doesn’t […]