Date Rape Is So Funny We Forgot to Laugh

We’re still not sure why Seth Rogen and Anna Faris are America’s comedic sweethearts. We loved Knocked Up just as much as the next guy, but haven’t the overweight stoner and dumb blonde jokes been done to death? Well, they are America’s comedic sweethearts, which we guess is why Warner Brothers, plenty of movie critics, and much of America’s movie-goers have found the apparent date rape scene between these two stars in Observe and Report HI-larious.

From the looks of the rated-R trailer — she’s pounding shots, she’s throwing up, she’s unable to walk, she’s passed out, he’s having sex with her — it’s probably date rape, even if she comes to midway and groggily asks for more. But maybe the actual movie has some context we’re missing that makes it all okay…? Admittedly, we haven’t seen the the film, but assuming New York magazine’s Vulture is right, we’re not gonna see it, because according to them, there is no other context: “It turns out that yes, by any reasonable standard of behavior, Seth Rogen’s character….totally rapes Faris’s…”

Read the rest of this post on SUNfiltered


  1. Dave W. and V:

    It happened to me, too. I’m now in a relationship with that person. Whoa.

  2. Dave W:
    -If they were both wasted, I wouldn’t know what to think.

    it happened to me. and i don’t know what to think

  3. I read all of the comments after the New York mag article, and there’s one thing I’d like to mention. I think what makes the actions of Seth Rogen’s character truly wrong are that he’s clearly lucid and watches her get totally wasted on booze and Klonopin. The fact that she gave lots of “informed consent” before she started drinking, and was yelling at him to get it on with her after she was drunk don’t change the situation. Dude, just drive her home and make sure she’s OK. Not really funny.

    If they were both wasted, I wouldn’t know what to think.

  4. I have to say watching him drill her like a frat boy while she’s passed out with vomit on her pillow and mouth is possibly the most disturbing thing have seen in a while. It may have been meant to be innocent but the makers of the movie clearly missed the point, maybe it’s because I’m a girl that I don’t find that funny, but I assure you all most any guy I ask will say that it’s hilarous and “Your being a overreacting feminist bitch”. Reality it sends a bad message since most of Rogen’s fan base it High Schoolers and College boys, it says date rape is funny, it’s okay if she’s drunk and sorta wants it and passes out. I don’t think I’ll be seeing this cheap knock off at all.

  5. Yeah…that part of the movie didn’t really sit well with me.

    Over the summer I had sex with this one guy…but almost every time we did it I was either SUPER drunk or completely blacked out. I guess I never really thought about it but yeah…not cool.

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