Dear Em & Lo: Should I Clean My Vibrator Before or After I Use It

Lelo’s Ina 2

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Dear Em & Lo,

Is it ok to only clean my vibrator before use? I have been using one for a couple of years, and I don’t wash it after use, only before. I also keep it in a shelf in my closet when I am not using it. Is this okay? Will I get infections?

— Dirty Girl


Dear D.G.,

Why would you not want to clean your vibe afterwards? We can understand not wanting to clean your room or scrub your shower. But not wanting to thoroughly clean something that’s touching your most delicate mucous membranes and/or going inside your most sacred orifices seems a little self-hating. And waiting to clean it until just before use is only going to make it more difficult to get really clean. Leaving moisture on it can lead to mold and mildew. And if it’s porous, forget about it!

You really should be washing it twice: once immediately after use (before things get, for lack of a better word, crusty) and again before you use it (to remove dust or other possible contaminants). If you are so lazy that you can’t manage double washing, then we’d say wash it immediately after with soap and hot water for a good 20 seconds, let it completely air dry (to avoid mold/mildew), and then store in a dedicated pouch so it won’t collect dust in the interim.

Cleanliness is next to Oh-Godliness.

Em & Lo