Finding a Silver Lining in Porn Addiction Story

photo by Stacie Joy

So the lurid headline in — natch — The Washington Times reads “More women lured to pornography addiction,” but we decided to find the silver lining in this news. The gist of the piece is that new research shows that women, and even — gasp! — Christian women are finding themselves “addicted” to pornography because it’s so much less risky to check it out online. (And for the record, our quote-marks around the word “addicted” aren’t meant to question the reality of pornography addiction, but rather to question The Washington Times’ definition of said addiction.) But anyway, back to the silver living: The idea behind this story is that ease of access means that fully a third of porn consumers online are now women. In other words, the age-old story about how women aren’t visual creatures is taking a bit of a beating.

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