Dear Em & Lo
My Boyfriend Is Always Too Tired for Sex

To ask Em & Lo your own advice question, click here. Dear Em and Lo, My boyfriend and I have been together for a year now. A few months ago we took a break and I moved out. I was really having a great time, but he showed up with roses and tears promising everything […]

How To
How Not to Be a Dick About a Guy’s Small Penis

Ladies, you know how you feel when you’re overweight and even your fat jeans don’t fit anymore? Or you’re having a bad hair month at the same time your best friend scores a role in a shampoo commercial? Or what about when you’re finally forced to admit that you’re not, in fact, a B-cup bra […]

How To
The 5 Bad Words You Can’t Say in a Relationship

by Julie Orlav for YourTango Words are POWERFUL. Words can cut you, heal you and even inspire you. Learning the language of relationships and marriage takes time and diligence, but saying some words regularly may cause irreparable damage. Here are five words that are destined to damage your relationship: 1. “Never” Never implies a sense […]

How To
10 Things to Say to Your Partner Instead of “I Love You”

Saying “I love you” can become a form of punctuation in a long-term relationship. People say it at the end of a phone call, or on their way out the door, or as they’re falling asleep at night. And there’s nothing wrong with this. Expressing love often is a good thing! And it’s a nice way to check […]

How To
8 Steps to Convincing Your Straight Boyfriend to Let You Peg Him

Approaching anal sex for the first time — whether you’re the giver or the receiver, whether you’re straight or gay — is not something to wing or take lightly. Not only is it a psychologically loaded act, but it’s one of the few sexual acts that can be done “wrong.” The anus is not self-lubricating […]

Your Call
I Married a Slob and She Won’t Do Anything Around the House

We get a lot of advice questions coming in at, but sadly, we just can’t answer them all. Which is why, once a week, we turn to you to decide how best to advise a reader. Make your call on the letter below by leaving your advice in the comments section. Dear Em & […]

Your Call
Your Call: When Should You Go to Couples Therapy?

We get a lot of advice questions coming in at, but sadly, we just can’t answer them all. Which is why, once a week, we turn to you to decide how best to advise a reader. Make your call on the letter below by leaving your advice in the comments section.  Dear Em & Lo, I love my boyfriend: […]

How To
How to Conquer Your Jealousy for Good

by Moushumi Ghose for YourTango Don’t sweat it. Does your boyfriend or girlfriend still have a relationship of a platonic nature with his or her ex? Does this relationship with the ex keep popping up in your relationship to the point where you feel threatened by the relationship? Do you worry about their past, and their history together? Do […]

Wise Guys
Do Guys Really Hate Talking on the Phone?

Advice from three of our guy friends. This week they answer the following:  Why do guys seem to hate talking on the phone? Gay Single Guy (Daniel): My suspicion is that it has to do with how most straight guys talk, or rather, don’t talk. Straight men seem to not indulge in gossip and tangential […]

Dear Em & Lo
Knowing When to Talk to Your Partner… Or Your Therapist

The following letter from a reader is really long. Like, really long. (And this is the abridged version!) But we’re publishing it here because we think it raises a really interesting, important question about relationships: How can you tell when you’re talking too much? And how can you tell when you need a therapist as […]

How To
5 Good Reasons Not to Fake Your Orgasm

by Amanda Chatel for YourTango You’re really not as good at it as you may think you are. It has long been one of those discussions that comes up both in and out of the bedroom: are you faking it or not? Faking an orgasm, that is. Sadly there are actually those out there who end […]

How To
10 Questions to Ask Each Other Before Getting Married

We’re not talking here about the kinds of questions everyone should ask each other before deciding to get married — things that could be actual deal-breakers, like, Do you want kids? And, Are you a member of the Republican party? No, these ten questions are things you should ask each other in order to have […]

Dear Em & Lo
What to Do When You Say “I Love You” Too Soon

Hi Em & Lo, I just started dating this guy and recently we were making out, it was going well, he started to go down on me. I wanted to tell him “I love it when you go down on me” but it came out as ” I love you..when you do that.” He paused […]

How To
8 Easy Ways to Tell If It’s Love… Or Lust

by Caithlin Pena for YourTango  | photo via Flickr Love, lust: it’s easy to confuse the two, especially in the early stages of a relationship. Both emotions make you feel a kind of bliss that you’ve never experienced before – which is wonderful and joyous and something to celebrate – but make sure you know […]

How to Have Kinky Sex with Your Vanilla Husband

photo via Wikimedia Commons Reader subgirl said the following in response to our post, “He’s Kinky, She’s Vanilla, Is the Relationship Doomed?”  Heads up, everyone in a mixed-cone, chocolate-swirl-slash-vanilla relationship, there is hope! I am a submissive woman and I have a wonderful vanill-ish husband who plays along with me. We communicate our needs to one […]

How To
36 Questions to Ask a Date Instead of Playing Mind Games

photo via flickr Dating is so mired in game-playing and pickup moves these days that it’s amazing anyone ever ends up finding lasting love. So we’re huge fans of any approach that manages to cut through all that B.S. For example, many years ago — before we each found lasting love, against those game-playing odds […]