What's Up Doc?
Dr. Kate’s Top 5 Reasons Why Contraception Should Be Covered

Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City and she answers your medical questions every few weeks on To ask her your own question, click here. This week, she addresses the recent debates about contraception. I’m an OB/GYN, and my specialty is family planning. This means […]

Naked News: The Women’s (Dwindling) Reproductive Rights Edition

photo via Flickr SNL has an actually funny and actually informative round-up of all the bullshit last week. The testimony Republicans didn’t want you to hear last week. Hello? Why aren’t we talking about the tons of unplanned pregnancies — and their sky-high costs — that contraception saves us from? For great coverage on all the latest […]

What's Up Doc?
Dear Dr. Vanessa: Can I Use More Than One Contraceptive?

photo via flickr Every few weeks, Dr. Vanessa Cullins, a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist and vice president for medical affairs at Planned Parenthood® Federation of America, will be answering your questions on To ask her your own question, click here. Dear Dr. Vanessa, Is it possible to be on more than one contraceptive method at the […]

Poll: Would You Rely on a Male Birth Control Pill?

If a male birth control pill hit the market today, would you rely on it? Pick the answer that best reflects your strongest conviction, men in the first poll, women in the second: Men Only Poll: Would You Take a Male Birth Control Pill? Ladies Only Poll: Would You Trust a Male Birth Control Pill? […]

Sexual Health
It’s Official: Your Insurance Provider Now Has to Cover Your Contraceptives

We reported last week that a leading U.S. medical advisory panel recommended that all insurers be required to cover contraceptives for women free of charge. Well, guess what? The Obama administration went for it! And we don’t mean the kind of “free” where you have to pay an annoying co-pay or other deductible. We mean 100% […]

What's Up Doc?
Dear Dr. Joe: Can Pre-Ejaculate Get a Woman Pregnant?

photo by rightee Once a month, Dr. Joe DeOrio, a urologist in Chicago, answers your questions on male sexual health. To ask him your own question, click here. Dear Dr. Joe, Can pre-ejaculate get a woman pregnant? — Leaky Dear Leaky, Pre-ejaculate, or “pre-cum,” as it is commonly known, is the predominantly clear fluid that […]

Personal Essays
Confession: Withdrawal Is Not an Option

A college-student contributor friend of ours, who wishes to remain anonymous, has a confession to make: “I thought you said you were going to pull out.” In the dark, I could still see his expression, startled yet a little defiant, as if the fact that he had just come inside me without the safety barrier […]

Pop Culture
Best Condom Tagline Ever

We just saw this awesome condom TV commercial from Trojan the other day. We’re not necessarily endorsing the product, just the ad. First of all, the tagline “You can’t wait to get it on”? Genius. How has this not been used to promote condoms before? Second, you gotta love the taboo busting: yes, women buy […]

The 50th Anniversary of The Pill

photo by Jenny Lee Silver This month marks the 50th anniversary of the Pill, and there’s been some interesting coverage of it by the media. Margaret Marsh, one of the first researchers granted access to the personal letters of the Pill’s co-developer, John Rock, discusses his Catholicism, among other Pill tidbits. The Guardian points out […]

What's Up Doc?
Dear Dr. Vanessa: What's the Low Down on IUDs? Part 2

illus. of Paraguard IUD via Last week, Dr. Vanessa Cullins, a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist and vice president for medical affairs at Planned Parenthood® Federation of America, answered one reader’s question about the IUD and it’s safety. It sparked some debate in the comments, so she’s back this week to address those issues: I think it […]

Dear Em & Lo
Dear Em & Lo: Can I Use the Withdrawal Method?

Dear Em & Lo, I’m really new here to this website, being from the Philippines. It makes me happy to have found you because the topics here are very helpful to me. So, I’m seeking advice. I really love having sex with my boyfriend, I can’t stop myself from doing it, it makes me feel […]

What's Up Doc?
Dear Dr. Vanessa: What’s the Low Down on IUDs? Part 1

Every few weeks, Dr. Vanessa Cullins, a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist and vice president for medical affairs at Planned Parenthood® Federation of America, will be answering your questions here. To ask her your own question, click here. Dear Dr. Vanessa, I heard IUDs can cause infertility.  Is that true? It’s a common myth, but it’s not true.  […]

Wise Guys
Wise Guys: What Are the Best Condoms for Men?

Advice from three of our guy friends. This week they answer the following: “What are the best condoms for guys? And please don’t say the imaginary kind. We want brand names…” Gay Single Guy (Daniel): Don’t be surprised that the best condoms are made by the Japanese. The two best are Crown Skinless Skin Condoms […]

Sexual Health
What Kind of Birth Control Should You Use?

The good news is there are a lot of birth control options available to women. The bad news is you have to figure out which one is right for you — how to choose?! Planned Parenthood has a pretty cool, new widget that can help take a little bit of the guesswork out of it. […]

What's Up Doc?
Dr. Kate, Is Essure a Good Alternative to Getting My Tubes Tied?

photo by Mykl_Roventine Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City and she answers your medical questions here every few weeks. To ask her your own question, click here. Dear Dr. Kate, I know I am done having children, but I do not want to go under […]

What's Up Doc?
Dear Dr. Vanessa: Tubal Sterilization OR Vasectomy?

photo by galateadia Please help us welcome Dr. Vanessa Cullins into the fold. She is a board-certified obstetrician/ gynecologist and vice president for medical affairs at Planned Parenthood® Federation of America who will be answering your questions here every few weeks. To ask her your own question, click here. Dear Dr. Vanessa, My husband […]