How To
Oral Sex Skills: How to Go Down on HIM

Plenty of people hesitate to go down on a man, either because they’re insecure about their skills or they just don’t enjoy it. But many, many guys would give their non-dominant arm for a regular dose of oral – a lot of them would even choose it over intercourse. (Though, despite conventional wisdom, there are […]

Comment of the Week: Not ALL Men Like Getting BJs

Nordica recently responded to the post “Dear Em & Lo, I HATE Receiving Blowjobs,” with a comment that might be music to some givers’ ears: Anyone who thinks ALL men like BJs is believing a false-narrative. I’m a dude, and I hate, I mean, HATE getting BJs. Not due to religious reasons, teeth, trust, insecurities, history […]

Will Anal Be the New Oral?

A word of warning: Some links are definitely NSFW. There is very little new under the sexual sun. Classical Roman and Greek art honor both anal and oral sex, with the interesting codicil that the higher-ranked personage was always the top, the lower ranked the bottom, for both forms of naughty. (We can guess Julius Caesar was not unlike […]

Dear Em & Lo
Dear Em & Lo, How Risky Is Oral Sex for STD Transmission?

I’m a teenager who was kinda pressured to give a guy oral (he’s my age) and though it was only for 3 minutes tops, I don’t know anything about his medical history except that he has had sex before. I myself had never done that before, nor have I had sex (I am a virgin) and didn’t even […]