How To
How to Reject Someone Nicely

photo by Brujita Attention is always flattering, but it’s not always reciprocated — blame it on nose hair, pleated pants, wrong gender, that mysterious “chemistry,” etc. While it’s not fair to lead someone on by giving them a fake number (so mean!) or one of those commercial rejection lines (even meaner!), there is such a […]

How To
How to Pull Off a Cheesy Pickup Line

photo by rick As a general rule, the only pickup line we officially endorse is “Hi, my name is [your name here].” You can then embellish this intro with a situation-specific line such as “Can I buy you a drink?” or “Would you like to dance?” or “Please, go ahead of me, I actually enjoy […]

How To
Don't Be a Beauty Fascist When It Comes to Dating

Let’s imagine that you’re in a relationship with someone you really dig: they’re witty, wise beyond their years, and well versed in the ways of amore. Plus, their table manners are impeccable. And yet, you find yourself in the midst of what might be termed a moral conundrum. Your dilemma? This special someone is severely […]

How To
10 Simple Steps to Hosting a Sexy Sleepover

photo by SFBNess If you’re planning on having a new guest over to “look at your etchings” for the first time, follow these 10 rules to ensure there’s a next time: Only invite a guest over when you won’t have to rush out the door the next morning. Warn any roommates that you will be […]

How To
How to Have Morning Sex

photo by rileyroxx Sex at daybreak (or, if you’re a freelancer, just before noon) isn’t just for newlyweds or long-term couples who happen to be morning people. Sometimes it can work in casual situations, too — in fact, sometimes it’s even better in a casual situation because you haven’t known each other long enough to […]

How To
The How To's of Designated Dialing

photo by sidewalk_flying Drunk dialing — we’ve all been there. For the record, not all booty calls conducted under the influence are considered drunk dialing. It’s only drunk dialing if you’re making a call that you will actually regret in the morning, whether or not that call results in booty. Typically when you drunk dial, […]

How To
How to Dip Your Pen in the Company Inkwell

Considering how much time we all spend at the office these days (those of us lucky enough to still be gainfully employed, anyway), dipping your pen in the company inkwell is just a matter of convenience dating: you share similar schedules, have built in references, and already have something in common. Here are our top […]

How To
How to Make Your Love Life Green and Sustainable

In honor of the 40th anniversary of Earth Day coming up tomorrow, April 22nd, we had a chat with Stefanie Iris Weiss about her new book Eco Sex: Go Green Between the Sheets and Make Your Love Life Sustainable. How does going green improve your sex life? If your sex life has gone stale, greening […]

How To
How to Keep Cohabitation Hot and Heavy

When you move in together, what you lose in mystery you make up for in intimacy. But lack of mystery can kill romance and passion. So here are 7 steps to make sure living together doesn’t ruin good lovin’. 1. Be courteous. People often assume that manners are meant to govern the interactions of strangers […]

How To
8 Suggestions for Making a Sex Tape

photo by sskennel Thinking of playing a little very candid camera with your other half? Engaging in your own sexual shoot, whether as the star or the director or both, can automatically make things more dramatic and theatrical, even if you end up keeping most of your clothes on or refuse to make any cliched “orgasm faces.” But, […]

How To
How to Greet a Former One-Night Stand

photo by //steph_vee. We know you’re not perfect. At some point, most of you will walk out on a one-night stand without so much as a “Thanks for the sex!” Post-It note. We don’t condone this behavior, but we can offer an emergency guideline, should you happen to bump into this person at a later […]

How To
How to Turn Your Headphones Into a Bedside Accessory

photo by carolyn.will You know the basic idea of sensory deprivation, right? You limit one or more senses, and the others get stronger. Limit everything but touch, and your orgasm will feel like the center of the universe. You may have done this without even knowing you were practicing sensory deprivation — with a blindfold, […]

How To
How to Write a Love List

photo by erin MC hammer Writing a love letter can be a daunting endeavor, especially when you’re not sure where to start. Should you put it in verse, use flowery language, get erotic? As with almost anything in life, the simpler you keep it, the easier (and often better) it will be. It doesn’t sound […]

How To
How to Buy (or Accept) a Drink

photo by Southern_Foodways_Alliance Sending a hottie a drink is an old stand-by among pick-up artists. However, this move may be interpreted as “cheesy” rather than “kitschy” in certain irony-free zones — Idaho, perhaps, or Long Island — or by women who are frequently sent “Slippery Nipples.” Thus, we can only recommend this maneuver in good […]

How To
How to Share a Fantasy in 3 Easy(ish) Steps

Sharing a fantasy with a partner can be a cheap and easy way to foster intimacy, build trust, and kink things up. But it takes a lot of courage to do. What if you think yours is too mundane to put into words (remember Meg Ryan’s faceless stranger fantasy in When Harry Met Sally?). Or […]

How To
10 Ways to Win Over Your Partner’s Parents This Thanksgiving

Image via IMDB You know the relationship is serious when you’re spending any major holiday with your significant other’s family. Sure, you may have met them briefly once or twice before, but something like Thanksgiving is the battleground where approval can be won or lost forever. So follow these ten simple rules to ensure your […]