What's Up Doc?
Dear Dr. Kate: Do I Have to Tell My Partner I Have HPV?

photo by Edgar Zessinthal Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City and she answers your medical questions here once a week. To ask her your own question, click here. Hi Dr. Kate, Sadly, I went to my annual OB-GYN appointment 2 weeks ago and was told […]

Pop Culture
Safer Sex Haiku Contest

You could win this Tantalising [sic] Lip Butter that can help save the world! The Body Shop and MTV’s awesomely named Staying Alive Foundation have recently launched an STD awareness campaign called “Yes to Safe Sex” (we would have called it “Yes to Safer Sex,” but we’re sticklers like that). During the campaign the Body […]

Sexual Health
Will the HPV Vaccine for Boys Make Them Sluts? Ha!

photo by When the relatively new HPV vaccine Gardasil came on the market for girls a few years ago, conservatives got their panties all in a bind over the possibility that it would give sweet, innocent P.Y.T.s permission to do it. Now that the vaccine is being considered for boys, no one seems too […]

Personal Essays
Confession: My New Crush Is HIV+

photo by ChrisLee0407 Our contributor Anonymous Bosch is a college student on the west coast. And that’s all he’s prepared to say right now. Except this… All my life, I have been schooled in the ways of safer sex by everyone from school to PSAs to my mother: If you don’t want to contract a […]

What's Up Doc?
Dr. Kate: Why Higher STD Rates May Be a Good Thing

photo by ecastro The CDC just released its annual report discussing trends in sexually transmitted diseases in the US (summary here). The upshot: chlamydia and syphilis are on the rise. And gonorrhea is stable (yay?) but at still-high rates. The CDC doesn’t track HPV or herpes in the same way, so we don’t know if […]