Tell Us Your Awkward Sex Story, Win a We-Vibe!

We’re writing an article about recovering from awkward sex and would love to quote you!

  • Did you or your partner do something mortifying in bed that you had to get over the next time you were between the sheets?
  • Did your or your partner’s equipment once fail to work (or work too well, i.e. too quickly)?
  • How about having sex for the first time after forgiving a partner’s transgression?
  • Did you ever have such a long dry spell that finally having sex again became an issue? Or did you wait so long to cash in your V card that it became a much bigger deal than it needed to be?
  • Did someone accidentally (or “accidentally”) go through the “backdoor” when it was locked?

You get the picture — we’re looking for any and every kind of awkward moment that made the subsequent sex just as awkward or even more so! And we want to know how you recovered (i.e. made the subsequent sex just fine) or how you didn’t (i.e. the subsequent sex sucked). We love the funny stuff, but it’s got to be something that really affected you and/or your partner. Please write to us by this Thursday, April 14th, via our contact form* and you’ll be automatically entered to win an awesome We-Vibe II from Eden Fantasys — the kind of cool, sleek, effective toy that makes partner play anything but awkward!

*Select “Interview Me for Your Article” from the pull-down menu and be sure to include your email address so we can contact you if you win. As always, requested anonymity will be honored.


  1. I went home with a guy I’d dated a few times. He was kind and handsome, and we got along well.

    We met at a bar that night and he had already been drinking.

    Back at his place he stumbled into the bed and kept telling me how “awesome” he was going to be and kept winking and saying “never had an unsatisfied customer”.

    Then he had to run into the bathroom. He vomited for a few minutes, then returned, saying “where was I?”. We start kissing again, and again he had to run into the bathroom to vomit.

    This happened about 4 or 5 more times before he came out after the last one, beat red, almost crying, and said “Just go downtown because I really can’t exert myself too much right now”.

    That was the worst ever.

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