Top 10 Less Ambitious Sex Books

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We’re suckers for a good Twitter hashtag — they can make everyone feel like a stand-up comedian for a few minutes (not to mention giving us all a break from reading what our colleagues ate for breakfast). We particularly loved the #lessambitiousbooks hashtag that was trending this week, and of course we jumped on the bandwagon, finding ourselves hilarious @EMandLO. We were planning on publishing a round-up of our favorite sex- and love-related entries found on Twitter, but as it turned out, we had more fun coming up with our own. So here are our top 10 less ambitious sex (or sexy) books:

  1. The Joy of Dry Humping
  2. Lady Chatterly’s Booty Call
  3. Are You There God? I Can Call Back Later If You’re Busy (and the racier book For Quite a Long Time)
  4. Slightly Risky Liaisons
  5. The Mauve Letter
  6. Our Digestive Tracts, Ourselves
  7. The Kinsey Tweets
  8. One or Two Things You Were Wondering About Sex (But Never Got Around to Asking)
  9. Eat Pray Date Night
  10. Slight Hangup About Flying

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