Top 10 Movie Couples We Want to Double-Date

Double-dating is at least as hard as plain old dating. First of all, there’s two of them and two of you, which means there are four potential relationships to negotiate — you’re trying to find a couple with whom you have four-way chemistry. That’s Nobel-level stuff happening there. And then there’s the lack of sex — unless you’re swingers, of course. You might forgive your date’s annoying dining habits (chewing with their mouth open, gesticulating with a fork) because you’re going to get some hot monkey lovin’ later on. But your double date? The best you can hope for is a double kiss on the cheek, European style. So they’d better be good company. Here are the top ten movie couples we wouldn’t mind double-dating with. (Though we can’t promise that our other halves would necessarily agree.)

10. Captain Von Trapp and the Baroness (SOUND OF MUSIC, 1965)

Sure, if we were seven years old and liked to skip a lot, we’d love to go to dinner with the Captain (Christopher Plummer) and Maria (Julie Andrews). Hey, maybe we could even put on a puppet show! But if it’s witty banter, heavy drinking, and good old-fashioned innuendo you’re looking for, then the Baroness (Eleanor Parker) wins hands down.

9. Loretta and Ronny (MOONSTRUCK, 1987)

Cher and Nicholas Cage — how could they do so right in this movie, and later go so wrong? It’s our fantasy to be on a double-date with this couple and have Cher slap someone in the face to wake them up to their life. Actually, maybe she could slap everyone at the table, each for whatever they needed to snap out of. And while we mostly prefer to avoid double-dating couples who fight in public, we’d kind of like to see these two go at it. We think we could learn a thing or two about how to lay it all out on the table… and, later, screw and make up. Also, Cage is eighteen years younger than Cher! We just want to be around that kind of magic.

8. Ennis Del Mar & Jack Twist (BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN, 2005)

Normally, excessive P.D.A. is kind of a deal-breaker on a double date. First of all — ew, we’re eating! And second, who wants to double-date a couple who makes them feel like their own sex life is drab and monotonous? But with these guys (played by Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal): bring it on! We could even stand to see a little tongue. In the end, though, we just want to double-date these guys so we can reach across the table, squeeze their hands, and tell them it’ll all be okay if they’d just move to the West Village or San Francisco.

7. Harry Burns & Sally Albright (WHEN HARRY MET SALLY, 1989)

Since opposites usually attract, chances are one if you is high maintenance and the other isn’t. This would balance out a double date with Harry and Sally nicely. There would be lively debate, some fun rounds of Pictionary, maybe even some drunken dancing involving the White Man’s Overbite. One would just hope Sally would know NOT to pull out her female orgasm impression at the dinner table when guests are over.

6. David Norris and Elise Sellas (THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, 2011)

This film was pretty unremarkable except for one, kind of amazing element: proper, grown-up, palpable chemistry between two characters (played by Matt Damon and Emily Blunt) that was equal parts brain and booty. It shouldn’t be that rare to see two smart, funny, beautiful people fall for each other’s intellect on screen, but it feels like it is. We just wanted that scene on the bus to keep going — which is why we want a double date. Because they seem like the kind of couple who could turn that buzzy charm on their dinner guests, too — rather than just sticking their tongues down each other’s throats. Oh, and if the waiter turns out to be an evil undercover agent from an alternate universe, then they’d probably come in pretty handy, too.

Read the rest of this list on SUNfiltered

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