How to Write a Break Up Letter…Like Donald Trump

We've been on a bit of a sabbatical lately.
Lo is currently enrolled at The Institute for Sexual Education and Enlightenment to finally make it official and become a *certified* sex educator. It's been a fantastic distraction! But we're still posting regularly.
Let us know what you'd like to see more of!

How to Write a Breakup Letter…According to Donald Trump
The Difference Between Kink and Abuse
The Incel Rebellion
Beads, Balls & Bullets — Which Are Right for You?
Sex Is Life-Affirming Freedom in “The Handmaid’s Tale” 
How to Discuss Your Sexual History with a New Partner in 10 Steps

"Sexual dysfunction effs with a man’s head BIG TIME. Most involuntarily celibate men never cross the line into violent crime, but what about the ones who are predisposed to mental illness? That’s who you’ve got to worry about."

— MVP Johnny on InCels

Join the Conversation!

"They feel different."

— Mr. Waterford taking the liberty, without invitation, of feeling "his handmaid" Joan's pregnant breasts on this week's episode of "The Handmaid's Tale," in one of the creepiest displays of sexual assault on the show this season

Touch them, lose an arm.

© 2021 Em & Lo