June 9th, 2016
EVERYTHING You Need to Know — And Read — About the Stanford Rape Case
5 Easy Steps for Making Father’s Day Amazing
The Top 10 Laws of Love in the Bachelorette Universe
And the Winner of Our Masturbation Month Haiku Contest Is . . .
15 Reasons Why SEX Is One of the Best Things You Can Do for Your HEALTH

"I want to say just quit talking politics and stay together, but… God damn. Drumpf support is just one of those things that automatically puts you on my 'you’re a moron' list, and I don’t know if I could date someone who I think is a moron."

— reader Johnny

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"To girls everywhere, I am with you."

— "Emily Doe," the woman raped by Brock Turner, in her powerful statement at his sentencing (read more of her statement HERE)

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