Yoga and Mindfulness Can Improve Sex

Okay, so we know we’re fond of saying that our sex advice requires neither a yoga mat nor a devotion to ’90s Sting. It’s not that we have anything against yogis, we just think that the ability to wrap one’s legs around one’s head isn’t necessarily the answer to everyone’s sex problems. That said, we […]

How Meditation Can Help You Achieve an Orgasm

Reader Alex said the following in response to our post, “How Do You Round the Final Bend When Sex Feels Amazing But You Don’t Orgasm?” I also have this problem. I believe that it has to do with how well you can “release” your mind. I have a really hard time just mentally letting go, […]

How To
10 Yoga Skills That Will Boost Your Sex Life

photo via flickr Alexandra Joy is the author of the new book The Woman’s Secret: A Novella with Lessons, which uses storytelling to demonstrate how Eastern teachings can transform every aspect of your life. Today on, she shares 10 ways that yoga can add value to your sexual experiences: When I mention to people […]