How To
Rethinking Intercourse: 8 Ideas to Improve the Old “In-Out”

The definition of sex is not “intercourse”. You won’t find terms like “going all the way” on this site, because intercourse is not the last lap you complete to win a medal — in fact, it’s not even a requirement for “winning” at sex. No, intercourse is one of many ways to engage in sexual […]

Dear Em & Lo
My New Boyfriend Has a Small Penis…At Least, It’s Small to Me

Dear Em & Lo, About six months ago I broke up with my boyfriend of 18 months and have recently met someone new. The other day the new boy and I were engaging in some hands-on action which led me to discover that he nowhere near measured up to my ex. The new boy was […]

The Unbearable Lightness of Blowjobs

Miranda Levy is a major in Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies at Elon University where she pens a sex column for its student-run lifestyle magazine, The Edge.  “Popping her cherry” “Swiping my V-card” “Going all the way” All of these phrases — and countless more — connote one single, sexual act: intercourse. Given its reproductive implications, our […]

How To
Em & Lo’s Glossary of Male Sexual Anatomy

Just because male sexual structures are a bit more, shall we say, obvious, does not mean you can forgo the anatomy lesson. There are important parallels between male and female sexual machinery that will help you understand how to best to use what you’ve got on your own and with your partner, especially if your […]

How To
Em & Lo’s Glossary of Female Sexual Anatomy

There’s a lot more than meets the eye when it comes to female sexual anatomy: the waters of that pleasure system run way deep. These parts are not inferior, miniature versions of the male sexual anatomy, but rather equitable, albeit more internal, sexual structures that enjoy stimulation just as much. They simply need the right […]

On Second Thought, When Men Ask About Their Size, Do THIS

A few weeks ago, Pete had some interesting (and some potentially controversial) thoughts in response to our post”If Men Ask About Their Size, Can I Tell Him the Truth?” His answer? Basically, “Yes, tell him the truth gently, with helpful tips thrown in.” Recently reader Dave took a wee exception to this:  Well you ONLY tell him […]

Dream Interpretation
My Girlfriend and I Had the Same Snake Dream on the Same Night!

Other people’s dreams are never interesting…except when they’re about sex & relationships. If you’ve got a good one, our dream analyst Lauri Loewenberg just might tell you what it means! Click here to submit yours (18 and older only for dream interpretations, please). This week, a reader asks Lauri about a snake dream (or is it a penis dream?): My girlfriend has […]

How To
Why Do Men Masturbate? How Do Men Masturbate Well?

Despite centuries of demonization through shame and accusations of mental infirmity (as well as some fairly inventive purported outcomes, from hairy palms to blindness), we now accept that men masturbate and that not only is it normal, it’s actually healthy for you. And while sex educators are helping break down the stigma around self-pleasure, there are many […]

How To
Oral Sex Skills: How to Go Down on HIM

Plenty of people hesitate to go down on a man, either because they’re insecure about their skills or they just don’t enjoy it. But many, many guys would give their non-dominant arm for a regular dose of oral – a lot of them would even choose it over intercourse. (Though, despite conventional wisdom, there are […]

Comment of the Week: When Tab A Doesn’t Fit into Slot B

Lily had this to say in response to the post “What Position Should Little Ol’ Me Use with My Big Boyfriend?“: Sex can be extremely complicated, especially if you are a heady, nervous and insecure type (like me). I have yet to sleep with someone I am 100% comfortable around and assume it must have some […]

2 Lovely Love Rings from LELO — But Which One to Choose?

Use Code EMANDLO17 for 15% Off LELO pleasure objects in 2017! It might seem like men get the short end of the stick when it comes to sex toys — the options are limited, and often not very elegant. But one of the simplest male toys is also one of the most effective: the glorious […]

Comment of the Week: How Important Is Penis Size? Not Much!

Reader Dave went on an epic rant in response to several posts on penis size, here, here, and here. He had a lot of wise, insightful things to say on the topic, so we took the liberty of editing them together (and throwing in a few more synonyms for “cock,” you know, just to mix […]

How To
The Art of “Everything But” for Straight People

Many, many, many, many women don’t climax from intercourse, so why rush to get there when you can spend time on more rewarding acts? Here, the how-to tips for everything from soul-stirring kissing to mind-blowing oral sex, guaranteed to improve both partners’ non-intercourse sex life. 1. Talking Whispering dirty nothings to each other is one of the […]

Yay, Our First Trump-Inspired Hater!

Well, that didn’t take long. A sad Trump-supporter who projects his own self-hatred onto women went on a tear through the comments of the post “My Boyfriend Has a Small Penis…At Least It’s Small to Me.” Add this to the growing number of public expressions of hate now legitimized by Trump’s win. We’ll keep loathsome comments up as long […]

How To
3 Key Things to Do When Your Guy Can’t Get It Up

By David Wignat for YourTango You’re in bed with your man. You’ve done all your sexiest moves. You smell great. You look fantastic. He hasn’t reached middle age yet and he hasn’t been drinking, so his machinery should be in working order. But when you head down south, you suddenly realize his penis is about […]

How To
Just Do It: How Exercise Is ESSENTIAL for Great Sex

You know you should exercise — there are myriad health benefits that should encourage you to workout regularly. But perhaps the one that will finally convince you to get off the couch and get your butt in gear is the benefit to S-E-X. Improving your cardiovascular health and lowering your cholesterol with regular exercise improves […]