Articles on the swinging lifestyle, like this one, are growing tiresome. They go like this: curious author, protected — thank you God! — by her protective husband, ventures into the horrifyingly dangerous and unknown wilds of “swingers” [sic] and miraculously emerges unharmed, not having had to remove any precious items of clothing or actually view […]
Dear Em & Lo, I am in a very loving relationship where I love my partner very much. However I fear I may be polyarmorous and I feel I need an open relationship to be happy. Also I am bisexual and have yet to really experiment with others of my same gender. My partner is […]
Other people’s dreams are never interesting…except when they’re about sex & relationships. If you’ve got a good one, our dream analyst Lauri Loewenberg just might tell you what it means! Click here to submit yours (18 and older only for dream interpretations, please). This week, a reader asks Lauri: Hi, I have a weird dream: sometimes it’s my husband marrying somebody else and […]
Contributor & MVP commenter Dr. AlanK had this to say in response to a man hoping for an open relationship with his wife: 1. Are you trying to justify an affair you’re already having? Don’t do that! Admit to the affair, try to understand why you had/are having the affair, get your marriage fixed, and […]
Dear Em & Lo, I would like to find literature that I can give to my wife, on encouraging her to pursue non-monogamous relationships, as this could be good for our relationship. We are a mature couple and I think she and we could benefit from this. Thanks kindly, Open-Minded Dear O.M., First, are you […]
Hi, I would like advice. I am single mother and I met someone on a dating website. When we met he told me he didn’t have a girlfriend. After a while, we were emailing each other every day. After 6 months, I finally met him face to face and we liked each other. But then he started telling […]
Reader Charles recently posted his theory as to why monogamy rules in the comments section of our post “Top 10 Reasons to Be — and Stay — Non-Monogamous.” Jump into the debate in the comments below: To be blunt, the most effective method of doing something dominates. As a central economic tenant states “A firm that […]
Dear Em & Lo, I recently found out my husband of 12 years has been cheating with a lot of different women. I’ve always known this in my heart, but never could believe it because he knows how to manipulate me. He knows how to cover himself very well. When he is with other women he […]
Doctor SexyThing for YourTango There are two kinds of threesomes, and don’t you dare get them confused. There’s “the good kind,” an FMF threesome, and there’s a “Devil’s Threesome” AKA a MFM threesome. MFM is the one guys are worried their girl really means when she says, “Sure, I’d be up for a threesome sometime.” (Please note: I’m not […]
Hello, Before me and my boyfriend started dating, we agreed on being in an open relationship. As time went by, I have hooked up with some guys but he hasn’t because he thinks he is not the kind of guy that hooks up with random people. I totally respect his belief. He doesn’t like the […]
Our contributor Dr. AlanK had some sage advice for a young male reader whose girlfriend recently discovered that she is bisexual: You’re an early 20-something man and your girlfriend announces she’s bisexual. She has discovered that an important piece of her erotic makeup involves women. She will eventually connect with one. Hell, she probably should connect […]
by clinical psychologist David J. Ley for YourTango Just because your therapist saw it on Dr. Phil, that doesn’t make it true … You may find this hard to believe, but most therapists, psychologists and doctors have received no training in sexuality. A minority of mental health, social work or medical training programs offer graduate-level training in sexuality issues, […]
The following reader commented on our post “My Boyfriend Is Too Big For Me.” Her comment and our follow-up to her is below. Dear Em & Lo, I have the same problem with my boyfriend [he’s too big for me] and I find that these columns are really unhelpful. Lube only helps temporarily but it doesn’t […]
We have two companion posts, one called “Top 10 Reasons for Being – and Staying – Monogamous,” the other called “Top 10 Reasons for Being — and Staying — NON-Monogamous.” We intended each as encouragement for those people who prefer to be in their particular kind of relationship, not as indictments of one another. But home-team loyalty runs […]
We ran the lighthearted post called “Top 10 Reasons for Being – and Staying – Monogamous” as encouragement for those people who choose to be in exclusive, long-term relationships. Some readers took it as an indictment of non-monogamy, which wasn’t our intention at all. To prove it to you, here are 10 points in favor of the other […]
We get a lot of advice questions coming in at, but sadly, we just can’t answer them all. Which is why, once a week, we turn to you to decide how best to advise a reader. Make your call on the letter below by leaving your advice in the comments section. Dear Em & Lo, I am a very […]