Female Genital Mutilation
The First Cut Is the Deepest: The Circumcision Debate

photo via Flickr Thanks to San Francisco’s proposed circumcision ban on the ballot this coming November, there’s been a lot of turtleneck debate of late. Many have been crying antisemitism, which seems a bit ludicrous if you think of male bodily integrity as a human rights issue (i.e. no one would call fighting against female […]

Comment of the Week: Relativism Schmelativism

photo via Flickr In the comments section of last week’s discussion of female genital cutting in Africa: Anthropology 101: Cant judge this tradition from our western eyes, cultural relativism people! Johnny: Relativism, schmelativism. Cutting off girls’ clits is wrong and the men who do it should likewise have the tips of their dicks cut off […]

Pop Culture
Wave of (Female Genital) Mutilation

ActivistResource.org apprised us of a 2009 documentary being screened in our neck of the woods (Hudson Valley) tonight called Mrs. Goundo’s Daughter, so we checked out the trailer. It’s the story of one woman’s quest to save her young daughter from the horrors of the African tradition of female genital cutting. In her native Mali, […]

Wise Guys
Wise Guys: Do Men Care What Labia Look Like?

Advice from three of our guy friends. This week they answer the following: “What is the general consensus on women with big labia, or longer inner labia, or dark labia? Does it really matter? With the rise in labiaplasty surgery and all the adult men’s mags only showing only “neat and tidy” vulvas, it’s hard […]

What's Up Doc?
Dear Dr. Kate: Are My Labia Normal?

Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City and she answers your medical questions here once a week. To ask her your own question, click here. Dear Dr. Kate, My inner labia hangs down lower than my outer labia. I’ve always been self-conscious about this. You don’t […]