Okay, so we know we’re fond of saying that our sex advice requires neither a yoga mat nor a devotion to ’90s Sting. It’s not that we have anything against yogis, we just think that the ability to wrap one’s legs around one’s head isn’t necessarily the answer to everyone’s sex problems. That said, we […]
photo via flickr Is your New Year’s resolution to improve both your health and your sex life? There are lots of ways you can do this. Semenax can improve sexual performance as well as produce bigger loads of semen. Eating more aphrodisiacs can boost libido as well as provide more nutrients. Yoga could be also […]
photo via Flickr Advice from three of EMandLO.com’s guy friends. This week they answer the following: “Do men really care about how flexible their partners are in bed?” To ask the guys your own question, click here. Single Straight Guy (Scott Phrenetik): Sure, flexibility is great… but I don’t need you to be able to lock your legs behind […]
PhotosByAlyssa.com A few tips, from personal experience: Losing weight can be very difficult, based on your body type, lifestyle, level of dedication to weight loss, and so forth. Building muscle only takes effort (you could look at the industry’s best pre-workouts here) and commitment and maybe supplements. Basically, diets can be a struggle and aren’t […]