In honor of the 10th anniversary of her Twilight series, Stephenie Meyers has just released a new edition, which includes a 400+ paged reimagining of the first novel with the genders reversed called Life and Death. The purpose of the new version is to prove to the world that Bella’s character wasn’t an anti-feminist damsel-in-distress, as […]
We love a good burn — and a good burn that overturns gender-based stereotypes about sex is even better. Which is why we couldn’t resist featuring MVP commenter Johnny’s zinger this week, which was in response to an old-school nay-sayer in our (ever popular) conversation surrounding the post, “Confession: I Want to Do My Boyfriend with […]
In the most recent issue of Paper magazine, Miley Cyrus proves she’s more than a punch line to a cheesy Robin Thicke joke. In fact, she’s a social activist, a vegan, and a woman who doesn’t want to be judged for who, or how, she loves. And she doesn’t want anyone else to be judged for […]
*** UPDATE: Within days of the following post going live, we heard from Time Warner Cable! They have pulled the tool down while they revise it. Read their response here. *** According to Time Warner Cable’s WiFi-Denti-fier tool (which is linked from Time Warner Cable’s homepage), only straight white people use WiFi and Time Warner Cable. […]
Advice from three of our guy friends. This week they answer the following: “What do you think about traditional gestures of chivalry like holding open a door for a woman, holding out her chair at the restaurant, etc? You know, is it just the polite thing to do, are you annoyed you’re expected to do […]
I consider myself a hardcore feminist (I’ve even got the T-shirt), one who’s attuned to all the gender stereotypes bombarding us daily. I work hard to combat them whenever and wherever I can. But I don’t live in a vacuum, and I’ve found myself falling into traps I thought I could avoid: like talking tougher […]
Advice from three of our guy friends. This week they answer the following: Do most straight guys secretly want to have their bums explored by their girlfriends/wives? Like, even if they don’t admit it, and they’d never ask…deep down, are they curious? Straight Single Guy (L.A. Chris): When they’re together, straight guys tend to avoid […]
Results from the Zimbio quiz “Which Disney Princess Are You?” have been popping up in our Facebook feed this week. Most of them are as saccharine and subtly sexist as the Disney movies themselves: They’re just begging for a more honest edit, with a little tough love thrown in — one that reflects the disturbing […]
The following is a sub-chapter about “the age of hypersexualization” from the new book “THE NEW SOFT WAR ON WOMEN: How the Myth of Female Ascendance Is Hurting Women, Men — and Our Economy” by Caryl Rivers and Rosalind C. Barnett, Ph.D. It’s the perfect holiday gift for anyone who says we live in a […]
This article originally appeared on Inspired by the Sundance Channel’s docu-series PUSH GIRLS, about four outspoken young women in wheelchairs — AMC Networks just announced that they’ve started filming a second season — we decided to write about ten women under 40 who push back in their own way. To help us narrow down the list […]
photo via Flickr I (Lo here) consider myself a pretty hardcore feminist. And I love So I expected their “Woman-Child” article today to be just my kind of internet candy. My best guess about its focus? The media’s obsession with infantalizing women to make them seem cuter, softer, more likeable. But it actually turned out to […]
In this, the year of the War on Women, it seems important to take a look back on all the hard-won battles women have poured their blood, sweat and tears into over the past 150 years. Seeing how far we’ve come makes it hard to understand why there are so many people across the country […]
photo via Flickr Reuters writer Belinda Goldsmith had a great roundup yesterday of “The Women’s Games”, which is what many are calling the 2012 Summer Olympics (which — for those of you living under a rock — just wrapped up this past weekend in London). Here’s a quick summary of the important stats, but the whole article is worth a […]
photo via Flickr Advice from three of’s guy friends. This week they answer the following: “Women put up with female nudity in movies all the time, but guys freak if there’s the occasional male butt – what gives?“ To ask the guys your own question, click here. Married Straight Guy (Fred): Do men freak? Maybe the ones […]
Lelo’s “Etherea” Silk Cuffs A female friend of ours, a recent college grad who wishes to remain anonymous, has a confession to make: I think I might be kinky. I know, I know: These days, who isn’t? With Fifty Shades of Grey refusing to budge from the bestseller list and Rihanna singing about how chains […]
Advice from three of’s guy friends. This week they answer the following: “Would a guy feel cheated on if his girlfriend made out with another girl, or is that somehow different territory?” To ask the guys your own question, click here. Straight Married Guy (Ben): I think it all depends on the spirit of the make out and whatever […]