Dear Em & Lo
Dear Em & Lo, How Risky Is Oral Sex for STD Transmission?

I’m a teenager who was kinda pressured to give a guy oral (he’s my age) and though it was only for 3 minutes tops, I don’t know anything about his medical history except that he has had sex before. I myself had never done that before, nor have I had sex (I am a virgin) and didn’t even […]

Sexual Health
5 STDs You Should Worry About More Than Ebola

photo via flickr Yes, yes, yes, you should be very concerned about Ebola… if you’ve traveled to Liberia recently. (Or know someone who has.) But you should be very concerned about STDs… if you’ve had sex recently. Especially if you’re not in a long-term, monogamous relationship with someone who would never cheat on you (and, […]

Pop Culture
Excerpts from “Queerskins,” a New Multimedia Novel

Queerskins Our friend Illya Szilak is a full-time physician specializing in HIV treatment, a mother of two, a world traveller, and, oh yeah, in her spare-time she writes groundbreaking novels. (We both managed to shower today and consider that a huge accomplishment.) Her latest project, QUEERSKINS, is an online multimedia novel that tells the story of […]

World AIDS Day Is Today

Today marks “the beginning of the end of AIDS”: Add a patch to the One and Red campaigns’ 2015 Quilt, pledging to buy at least one Red gift this holiday season, and you’ll get to choose one of The Killers six consecutive Christmas songs benefiting Red for free. You can watch events unfold live tody on the One […]

What's Up Doc?
Dear Dr. Kate, How Long Do STDs Take to Show Up on Tests?

photo via Flickr Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City and she answers your medical questions every few weeks on To ask her your own question, click here. Dear Dr. Kate, How soon after sexual relations would an STD test register a newly transmitted virus? […]