photo via flickr And no, we’re not talking about the relative appeal of sex in clogs. We have long sung the praises of Holland’s approach to sex — and, in particular, its approach to sex & pregnancy education. Because Holland has results that we can all agree are worth aspiring to (even bat-shit-crazy Michele Bachmann): […]
Every year, March 8th is International Women’s Day, a political holiday that honors the struggles, achievements and hopes for women worldwide. Since its first observance in 1908, we’ve come along way, baby — but not nearly as far as you might think: The World Economic Forum predicted in 2014 that it would take until 2095 […]
On the 20th anniversary of Diana’s death, it’s time to forgive Camilla. Because as Arianna Jeret argues, Princess Diana was the other woman. Thursday, August 31, 2017, is the 20th anniversary of the death of Princess Diana, undoubtedly one of the most beloved women in the history of the world. The tragic and mysterious nature of her […]
by Sarah Marcantonio THE WORST 1. The Movies Most sex scenes in mainstream movies ain’t exactly cinéma vérité: the male lead sweeps the girl off her feet and whisks her away to bed, clothes fall away, abs are sculpted, sweat glistens, birth control is abandoned, discussions about sexual health histories are never had, and simultaneous […]
Our friends over at LELO surveyed 1000 people from all around the world asking what was more important to them: love or lust? Here are the results! Overall, love is more important than lust for both women and men, except when they’re in open relationships: No matter people’s age, love still trumps lust, but surprisingly, […]
Our friends at LELO, makers of some of the world’s best sex toys, are confident that anal sex, prostate massaging and pegging are set to become big trends in 2016 as society breaks away from the mindset that some pleasures are only for one type of gender or sexual orientation. It’s All About the Booty As 2015 continued […]
Last week, we gave you a taste of Pushkin the Romantic’s more romantic side. This week, we’re giving you a peak at his more playful side. (Stay tuned for a look at his truly trashy stuff, coming soon.) The following is Pushkin’s early-1800s “Advancing from the Rear”, translated by A.Z. Foreman from his blog Poems Found […]
Not only was Alexander Pushkin the father of Russian literature, he was also a very naughty boy. In the early 1800s, he wrote plays, poetry, novels, essays and also incredibly dirty erotica. In fact, in 2005 some of his adult verses were seized in a crackdown on obscene materials near Moscow. And in 2014, a Russian […]
When’s the last time you thought about true love or marriage equality while crossing a street? When’s the last time you looked up and smiled at a sign telling you not to cross yet? Here in the States, most of us stand impatiently, one foot half off the curb, thinking about how much we have […]
“Islamic feminist.” Sounds like an oxymoron, right? But this week’s episode of the PRI radio show “America Abroad,” produced and written by (our amazing friend) Mia Lobel, will get you thinking. This fascinating hourlong podcast called “Understanding Islamic Feminism” covers feminist reinterpreters of the Koran in Egypt, Morocco’s most progressive family law in the East (which makes it […]
Itai Anghel, an Isreali Jewish news correspondent and filmmaker with the balls the size of pumpkins, recently wandered into Syria and Iraq with a camera and not much else (no helmet, no bullet proof vest) to capture the front lines of the Kurdish fight against ISIS. (Apparently the Kurds are the only ones confronting ISIS […]
photo via WeHeartIt We’ve long known that the Swedes do pretty much everything better when it comes to sex. They actually believe that comprehensive early sex education is important, and they even have impressively low rates of teen pregnancy and STDs to back up this crazy “theory.” And they even invented a gender neutral pronoun, […]
photo via flickr Other people’s dreams are never interesting…except when they’re about sex. Each week, our dream analyst Lauri Loewenberg tells one lucky reader what their dirty dream means. Got a dream you want Lauri to analyze? Click here to submit it. This week, a reader asks Lauri: My husband, two nights in a row, has dreamed of oral […]
photo via That question is now serious business in South Korea, where the old-school hostess culture — i.e. rich businessmen visiting male-only establishments, paying the female hostesses for their flirtatious company and more — has given rise to its exact opposite: rich women visiting female-only establishments, paying the male hosts for their flirtatious company […]
This week a court in Germany ruled that circumcising boys for religious reasons is “bodily harm.” The ruling came as a result of a court case about medical complications following the circumcision of a four-year-old boy. The doctor was acquitted, but apparently the court felt like stirring up a shit-storm anyway. The ruling isn’t binding […]
“How come there are so many movies about a teenage boy who wants to have sex and this is the only one about a teenage girl who wants to have sex?” Thank you! We’ve been wondering all our lives where decent depictions of young female sexuality have been. Apparently in Norway. We haven’t seen it […]