Pop Culture
The Best “Blurred Lines” Parody Yet!

  The Mod Carosel parody was pretty good, but a little too thin on the politics for our radical feminist tastes. Enter “Defined Lines,” the parody made by some University of Aukland law students for its Law Revue show last week. With its decent production values and pointed yet hilarious feminist message, it’s the Blurred […]

A Round-Up of Thoughtful Spankings Over the Miley Cyrus Spectacle

There’s been a LOT of talk this week over Miley Cyrus’s performance at last week’s VMAs. Here’s some of our favorite analysis: The 2013 VMAs Were Dominated by Miley’s Minstrel Show How Ratchet Culture Became The New Implied Bisexuality A 6-Minute Guide to the Prejudices of the Entertainment Industry What Miley Cyrus Did Was Disgusting […]

The 10 Best and Worst Moments from the 2013 VMAs

photo via THE WORST 1. Lady Gaga’s 26 costume changes into smaller and smaller outfits, ending in a Little Mermaid-inspired seashell/thong number. She’s just fucking with us at this point, right? 2. Miley Cyrus’s self-demotion to porny arm candy during her Blurred Lines “duet” with Robin Thicke (or was it the simulated rimming during […]

Pop Culture
Blog Snog: 12 Things to Know About Dating a Musician

  One of our new favorite songs is a cover one of our new favorite songs by one-man-show (and total cutie) George Barnett — The Frisky‘s post this week about the realities of dating musicians helps keep our little fantasies in check: The Frisky: 12 things to know about dating a musician. Nerve: Why more […]

Top 4 Reasons Why the Grammys Are Infinitely Better Without T&A

photo via Jezebel When we began watching the Grammys last night, we had not gotten the memo – the email that CBS had sent out to participants advising them to adhere to the Network’s wardrobe policy: Please be sure that buttocks and female breasts are adequately covered. Thong type costumes are problematic. Please avoid exposing […]

Pop Culture
Top 10 Breakup Songs Taylor Swift SHOULD Write

 photo via WikiCommons Taylor Swift cannot write a bad pop song. She apparently can’t write a song about anything other than breakups, either. While we are shameless Swifties, we’d definitely like to see her branch out more — if not to different subject matter, then at least to some more honest, less PG-13 tales of […]

How Headphones Can Kink Up Your Sex Life

photo via flickr The following is an excerpt from the “H” section of our new A-Z book, 150 Shades of Play: A Beginner’s Guide to Kink. Every bolded word below indicates an entry in our encyclopedia of sorts. The book is on sale now! Ear plugs aren’t just for construction workers and insomniacs, and noise-canceling […]

Pop Culture
Playing Ukelele Can Save the World

Last week we saw Amanda Palmer perform live (and totally drunk-Tweeted her afterward, oops) — but right before the show, we saw her hubby, author Neil Gaiman, read a new, unpublished short story. (To seven hundred freakin’ people, holy shit — some of them queued all day to get a good seat!) Anyway, as a […]

Pop Culture
Janeane Garofalo Wants to Make Love to Bob Dylan

The right soundtrack can transform a so-so sexual encounter into something memorable (just ask Hollywood producers). And the wrong soundtrack? Well, that can really screw things up, as it were. Imagine: you’re feeling all lovey-dovey and want to hold your lover’s face while you make sweet missionary love… and then your partner puts on some […]

Pop Culture
Amanda Fucking Palmer

Singer/pianist/lyricist/composer/performance artist Amanda Palmer, a.k.a. Amanda Fucking Palmer or AFP, is the epitome of an American indie artist. She’s bold, unapologetic, bisexual, with awesomely hairy armpits and actual pubic hair. She organized an unbinding flash mob wedding between her and  writer Neil Gaiman in 2010, then made it legal in 2011 in a private ceremony hosted by literary power couple Ayelet […]

Pop Culture
A Musical History of Wooing Women

CDZA (short for Collective Cadenza) is a group of mostly Juilliard-trained music geeks (and we use that term in the most loving and respectful way) that “creates musical video experiments” — in other words, fun viral vids that play upon all sorts of musical themes and genres (think “Evolution of Dance” but with live musicians and no dancing). […]

Pop Culture
Great Music to Have Sex To: Patrick Watson

photo via Flickr Or maybe we should say “great music to make love to” (if we actually used that terminology). It definitely works for making out to. Not frantic rip-off-each-others’-clothes sessions, but more deliberate, sensual interludes that last longer than an hour, the kind earnest teenagers in love engage in. Patrick Watson, the Montreal-based band (fronted by singer-songwriter […]

How To
What Your Vehicle Says About Your Sex Life

photo via flickr Country singer Kip Moore doesn’t rhyme “truck” with “fuck” in his hit song “Somethin’ ‘Bout a Truck” — but he doesn’t have to. Every line of the song oozes sex. Screw rising gas prices and your neighbor with the Porsche, the implication goes: a truck is for getting laid in (in the […]

Did Mariah Carey Invent the Sexy Santa Look?

Earlier this week on our site, we asked our Wise Guys what was up with the sexy Santa lingerie thing. Which naturally lead us to thinking about Mariah Carey, and how she basically owns the entire sexy Santa category, not to mention the sub-category of soft-core porn Santa. We know she didn’t exactly invent the […]

Pop Culture
The Speedo Makes a Comeback

If you’ve ever rolled your eyes at that iconic image of the bikini-clad woman sudsing up a muscle car or rollerskating along the boardwalk, then have we got two videos for you. First, the high budget one: LMFAO’s “I’m Sexy and I Know It.” As our writer friend Grant Stoddard recently put it in a Facebook post, […]

Dream Interpretation
Lauri Interprets Newly Out Country Singer Chely Wright’s Dream

photo by GregInHollywood If you’re a country music fan, odds are, you know Chely Wright. If you’re not, then you probably know Chely Wright as “that country singer who went out on Oprah.” (She’s pictured above.) These days when a celebrity comes out, it’s well… meh. That wasn’t the case when Chely came out because […]