The right soundtrack can transform a so-so sexual encounter into something memorable (just ask Hollywood producers). And the wrong soundtrack? Well, that can really screw things up, as it were. Imagine: you’re feeling all lovey-dovey and want to hold your lover’s face while you make sweet missionary love… and then your partner puts on some hardcore punk. And what about when your partner wants to do it to Bob Dylan and you just plain don’t? So it goes in the newly released song from our friend John Wesley Harding (you might also know him as Wesley Stace, the author of novels including Misfortune and By George), “Making Love To Bob Dylan.” And yep, his stage name is taken from the Bob Dylan song and album title. Perhaps too much Malkovich Malkovich, as Entertainment Weekly notes. This hilarious video stars Jeneane Garofolo — you’ll have to watch to the end to see if the couple can compromise. Let’s just say that Marvin Gaye’s “Let’s Get It On” is not involved.
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I find music to be way too distracting during love-making. Silence is best.