Personal Essays
Personal Essays
Confession: Saying “Yes”and Finally Meaning It

KERRY NEVILLE — author of the award-winning short story collection, Necessary Lies, and the forthcoming collection, Remember To Forget Me — writes of the long road toward true consent.   Natalie and I played boyfriend and girlfriend: She was “Michael” and I was “Rebecca.”  We would walk around the block holding hands and when we reached […]

Personal Essays
You Don’t Have to Have a Dick to Date Rape Someone, You Just Need to Be One

The following is the story of a 30-something contributor who wishes to remain anonymous. I drove home from a recent Bumble date, crying the entire way. I had bruises on my neck, arms and chest from being choked and bitten. I bled for almost a full 24 hours after. It hurt to sit for days […]

6 Reasons Why Bumble Is So Much Better Than Tinder

Edie Freedman is a student at New York University studying social and cultural analysis, politics and psychology. There she is a writer and editor for The Tab NYU. In the last few years, the dating game has changed. No longer does everyone long for a life partner, some like to casually date, and what’s one […]

Personal Essays
“I Fought For Your Freedom to Hate Me” — A Trans Veteran Speaks Out

Thanks to President Trump, trans veteran Carla Lewis must endure a tragic case of déjà vu: Each morning when I wake, I hit social media and the news. Sharing something profound or humorous is how I like to start my day. Believe me when I tell you, I was in complete shock when I read […]

Personal Essays
Learning to Love Your Body Is a Life-Long Endeavor

Learning to love your body? It’s a marathon, not a sprint. I took off my shirt and my confidence plummeted. I was at home, staring at my naked stomach in the mirror, but I felt like I’d just been punched in the gut.  On either side of my belly, 3 inches (give or take) of […]

Can You Guess Which of These Cats Is Female?

A choose your own gender-venture! Our family recently adopted two kittens. We had our pick of the litter, so we figured we’d get a girl and a boy, just like our two kids. They decided to name the girl Rey and the boy Po. (Star Wars fans relax: for whatever reason — let’s call it […]

Personal Essays
Confession: I Dated a Trump Supporter

Miranda Levy is a major in Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies at Elon University where she pens a sex column for its student-run lifestyle magazine, The Edge.    When I met my ex-boyfriend as a freshman in college, he was tall, funny, and bought me a taco. We did improv together and laughed at the […]

Personal Essays
An Everywoman’s Visceral Reaction to the Election of Trump

A few days after November 8th, I was talking to a friend, a progressive everywoman, who said she couldn’t stop crying or throwing up. I wasn’t sure if she was kidding. “Are you really throwing up?” She said yes, that she could only manage the occasional piece of chocolate and cup of tea, even though […]

Personal Essays
Confession: 4 Things Emma Goldman Taught Me About Sex contributor Jewely Hoxie, who is studying Human Sexuality at the University of California Santa Cruz — you can read her blog here — has this to say: Emma Goldman: 1800’s anarchist, philosopher, and rebel women. She believed in free-thinking, free-love, and birth control. The woman wasn’t so much of a suffragist, seeing as she once said, “If […]