Edie Freedman is a student at New York University studying social and cultural analysis, politics and psychology. There she is a writer and editor for The Tab NYU. Rom Coms are such a popular film genre, they get their own cute moniker. But comedies exploring less romantic and less lusty themes of love often get short […]
*besides those flicks by the worst rom-com actors ever In honor of Valentine’s Day, we’re rerunning a series of lists dedicated to the film-genre equivalent of those little heart candies: the romantic comedy. We’ve covered classic rom coms, alternative love stories, the best overlooked ones, romantic comedies from the olden days, the most overrated ones, […]
In honor of Valentine’s Day, we’re rerunning a series of top ten lists dedicated to the film-genre equivalent of those little heart candies: the romantic comedy. Our first was classic rom coms; second was alternative love stories; next we listed the best overlooked ones, then old school films made before we were born. Today, we continue with the most overrated […]
In honor of Valentine’s Day, we’re rerunning a series of top ten lists dedicated to the film-genre equivalent of those little heart candies: the romantic comedy. Our first was classic rom coms; second was alternative love stories; next we listed the best overlooked ones. Today, we continue with old school classics made before we were […]
In honor of Valentine’s Day, we’re rerunning a series of top ten lists dedicated to the film-genre equivalent of those little heart candies: the romantic comedy. Last Thursday, it was classic rom coms. On Tuesday, it was alternative love stories. Today, we continue with ten lesser known romantic comedies that never became classics, cult or […]
In honor of Valentine’s Day, we’ve decided to rerun a series of top ten lists dedicated to the film-genre equivalent of those little heart candies: the romantic comedy. Last Thursday, it was classic rom coms. Today, we continue with a less traditional list: movies that you might not automatically consider romantic comedies, but movies that […]
In honor of Valentine’s Day, we’ve decided to rerun a series of top ten lists over the next few weeks dedicated to the film-genre equivalent of those little heart candies: the romantic comedy. Today, we’re starting with the gimmies, the classic rom coms. We defy you not to watch and enjoy these movies when they […]