Who Knew? Couples Who DO THIS Together Apparently Stay Together!

by Lindsay Tigar for YourTango Bad news slim couples… What is an indicator of a happy and successful relationship? Couple rings? Countless couple photos on Facebook? Family and friends who get along swimmingly? According to science, the best way to tell if a couple is happily in love is by looking at their waistlines.   giphy Research on the National Center […]

Personal Essays
Sick-Skinny: When Weight Loss from Illness Is Considered Hot & Beautiful

By Jacqueline Raposo for Bust Magazine When illness causes weight loss, reactions from friends, family, and even strangers can be “positive” in the worst possible way. When I was 27 years old, I weighed 105 pounds and was extremely sick. Over a span of 15 years, I’d been extensively treated twice for Lyme disease, with […]

Dear Em & Lo
How to Make Masturbation with a Vibrator Feel Less Lonely

Dear Em & Lo, I’m a 24-year-old woman who hasn’t had sex in 4 years, 10 months, 15 days, 5 hours, 51 minutes…well, you get the idea. I had my first boyfriend when I was twenty and it lasted for four months. He was my first sexual partner, and as of today, my last. I […]

Pop Culture
30 Body Image Quotes to Celebrate National Underwear Day

It’s National Underwear Day, which means Twitter is littered with photos of lean, tan, toned women — and men, too — reclining or writhing in their undies. Apparently just wearing underwear makes some of these people feel orgasmic. Well, we’d like to celebrate in our own way. Here are 30 quotes about body image to […]

Dear Em & Lo
Your Call: How Do I Tell Him I Don’t Like His Weight Gain?

photo via IMDB We get a lot of advice questions coming in at EMandLO.com, but sadly, we just can’t answer them all. Which is why, once a week, we turn to you to decide how best to advise a reader.   Submit Your Own Question to EMandLO.comTry Our New *PRIVATE* Advice Service!   Dear Em & Lo, My husband and […]

What's Up Doc?
Dear Dr. Vanessa: Can Being Overweight Affect Your Ability to Orgasm?

Every few weeks, Dr. Vanessa Cullins, a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist and vice president for medical affairs at Planned Parenthood® Federation of America, will be answering your questions on EMandLO.com. To ask her your own question, click here. Dear Dr. Vanessa, Can obesity affect a woman’s ability to orgasm? — California Queen Dear CQ, The science on […]

Dear Em & Lo
Your Call: How Can I Feel Good After Gaining Weight?

Dear Em & Lo, I hate how I look after gaining 40lbs in the last 5 years. I was only 115lbs. What should I do ? He thinks I’m sexy no matter what. How can I feel the same? — Weighed Down What should Weighed Down do? Advise her in the comments below.

Personal Essays
Confession: Weight Gain Killed My Sex Life

Our contributor is a student at an East coast university. And that’s all she’s willing to say. Except this… There’s something about the heat of the summer sun that makes everyone a little more frisky, a little more excited, a little more promiscuous — it’s the season of bathing suits, little clothing, late-night dates, sex […]