We know you don’t want to hear it, but: you’ve got to have the hard conversation with each new sexual partner about where your junk has been and what it’s seen. Especially in an age when casual sex is de rigueur, and Tinder is causing STD rates to skyrocket, and almost everyone has or has […]
We told you about five things you can’t change about your sex life, and we encouraged an attitude of serenity and acceptance. But luckily there are plenty of things you can change about sex, too! Here are 15 to get you started… 1. Your sexual IQ. Bodies don’t come with instruction manuals, but that’s no […]
Did you know that the Serenity Prayer can be applied to your sex life? (“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”) Well, here are the 5 things you can’t change about sex — accepting this list […]
A while back we here at EMandLO.com conducted a poll called “Vulva or Vagina?” Readers had two options to choose from (natch): Vulva – If we’re talking about female external genitalia, this is the anatomically correct & accurate term. (Plus, it sounds nicer.) Vagina – That’s what EVERYONE calls it. It’s common practice, common knowledge. Nobody calls it […]
Edie Freedman is a student at New York University studying social and cultural analysis, politics and psychology. There she is a writer and editor for The Tab NYU. In the last few years, the dating game has changed. No longer does everyone long for a life partner, some like to casually date, and what’s one […]
If you haven’t been hibernating for the past few years, then you’ve probably heard of hygge, the Danish notion of coziness which has now become a lifestyle, with books, stores, and brands. (Etymologically, it’s related to the Dutch word heugen, which means to remember.) According to Meik Wiking in The Little Book of Hygge, it’s has […]
According to this research, having more sex may actually make couples less happy — if they feel like they’re being told to have more sex. The Carnegie Mellon study, published in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, studied 64 heterosexual married couples between 35 and 65 years old. Group one was told to have sex […]
You’re away on business, you don’t know a soul in this town, you’re holed up in your hotel room, alone and lonely (read: horny) and because you are a not a cheating scumbag and this isn’t Up in the Air, you pick up the phone to call your honey at home in the hopes of […]
To read the Tweets and comments on the Babe.net story about one woman’s horrible night with actor & comedian Aziz Ansari (read it here if you haven’t already), you’d assume there were only two possible, mutually exclusive conclusions to draw: either you believe that Ansari is a sexual assaulter who’s career should be over OR […]
There are some promises that are never meant to be kept: I’ll meet you at the bar later after I’ve had a nap. I’m going to hit the gym during my lunch break. I’ll take a look at these materials you’re handing out door-to-door and get back to you. These promises are empty by design, […]
And 10 That Won’t! You want to give the object of your affection a gift that expresses your genuine love and sincere lust? Wonderful! But please understand there’s a fine line between sexy and stupid, and that line often moves depending on the couple and each partner’s level of kinkiness, their sense of humor, and their, well, stupidity. […]
Sometimes sex is no more than a mood you create. The space you find yourself in, the air you breathe, the lights you dim, the furniture you lounge upon, the music you choose to play (no Barry White or his ilk, please) — all these things can serve to ignite your passion…or snuff it. So […]
You may tie each other up every Monday and feel completely comfortable exploring each other’s less traveled orifices, or you may consider doggie style to be “experimental” — but when it comes to the holidays, we’re all just a bunch of overgrown kids hoping to survive extended time with the in-laws (or potential future in-laws). […]
Feeling down in the dumps because you’re going to be single for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s? You’re not alone. Well, sure, you’re alone in the sense that you don’t have a cutie to go ice-skating with while clad in matching striped scarves from the Gap. But you’re not alone alone. Despite the onslaught of […]
Chances are you’ll have to spend the holidays with a few family members who voted for the human candied yam. You could always just cancel holiday plans all together, hole up in your house, and binge watch some light fare like “The Walking Dead.” But if for some reason you’d like to remain on speaking terms with […]
Do people even go on dates anymore? It may be a dying tradition, but they still happen. And while they may be cheap, they ain’t never free. So who pays on a date? This is the 21st century: the old assumption that the man always coughs up doesn’t fly anymore. There might not even be […]