It’s finally Spring! A time of chocolates, pastels, persistent urges, and adorable rabbits fucking like bunnies. As Mark Twain said, “It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want – oh, you don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes […]
When you do a search for “sex” on Getty Images, you get a lot of interesting results — so many, in fact, that we were compelled to create a superlative series of Getty “sex” search images. Today, it’s blow-up dolls, which are either silly, juvenile fun or an expression of systemic cultural sexism and misogyny […]
Arizona photographer Jade Beall’s images on Facebook of an elderly interracial couple (including the one above) went viral in the last few weeks, probably because they revealed the kind of love, body security and happiness we all want, at any age! So we went in search of more life-affirming photos the AARP would approve of. […]
When you do a search for “sex” on Getty Images, you get a lot of interesting results — so many, in fact, that we’re compelled to create an ongoing, superlative series of Getty “sex” search images, where we find the best photos by themes so you don’t have to sift through the sludge. This week, the warmer weather got us thinking […]
SEX is one big cosmic joke. Just consider the placement of the genitals in regards to the exit of the digestive system! Desire often turns us into pathetic, desperate, vulnerable bonobos making funny noises and weird faces, bonking heads with elbows and other often imperfect and occasionally faulty body parts. If you don’t laugh, […]
While perusing Getty Images for weird and wacky sex-related photos, we came across this beautifully shot series by photographer Greg Baker that fit the bill: the sex toy industry in China. Baker writes: China’s puritanical Communist Party decried decadence during its first decades in power, and while conservative attitudes are still widespread, economic reforms have […]
No, not how to use condoms (that refresher course is right here). This is actually condom art. The best Getty images of condoms to be precise — from production to marketing to use to artistic creations (it’s part of our superlative series of Getty sex images). Hopefully it will inspire you to be safe when you don’t […]
When you do a search for “sex” on Getty Images, you get a lot of interesting results — so many, in fact, that we were compelled to create a superlative series of Getty “sex” search images, where we find the best photos by themes so you don’t have to sift through the sludge. This week, the cold got us thinking […]
The season premiere this week of “The Bachelor” got us thinking of nuptials, both solid and doomed. So we turned to Getty to see what a wedding search would yield, and we were barraged with a bunch of weird, wacky and, in some cases, downright wonderful wedding toppers. View image | View image […]
When you do a search for “sex” on Getty Images, you get a lot of interesting results — so many, in fact, that we were compelled to create a superlative series of Getty “sex” search images, which includes a whole subsection of animal-themed lists. Today is part 2 of our beautiful butterfly series (check out […]
When you do a search for “sex” on Getty Images, you get a lot of interesting results — so many, in fact, that we were compelled to create a superlative series of Getty “sex” search images. There are a many animal sex images, but none as beautiful as butterfly nookie. With so many to choose […]
It being the month of June, we thought we’d continue our superlative series of Getty search images around the topic of weddings. Can you hear the church bells ring? Here are some of Getty’s best wedding photos to have and to hold: #492806865 / #200500277-001 / #174118644 / #153591945 / #108163593 / […]
When you do a search for “sex” on Getty Images, you get a lot of interesting results — so many, in fact, that we were compelled to create a superlative series of Getty “sex” search images. Today’s installment highlights the weirdest — actually, there were so many we had to present them in two installments […]
When you do a search for “sex” on Getty Images, you get a lot of interesting results — so many, in fact, that we were compelled to launch a superlative series of Getty “sex” search images today. This inaugural installment highlights the weirdest — actually, there are so many we have to present them in […]