Best Think Pieces of 2016
8 Things You Should Know About Consent on College Campuses

A 2017 article written by Sarah Marcantonio, then a student at Emerson University in Boston Consent (noun): Permission, approval or agreement. Here’s my definition of sexual consent: two (or more) people actively, explicitly and consciously agreeing to have sexual interactions throughout those interactions, with no party having any reservations at any point. I was taught, […]

Pop Culture
The Best Transgender Books for Kids

Happy International Trans Visibility Day (March 31st)! Unfortunately, it’s not all balloons and supportive hugs: Trump’s list of discriminatory actions against the transgender community so far is too long to list in a single post. Him rescinding the Obama administration’s federal guidelines for schools to allow kids to use the public bathrooms that match their […]

The Unbearable Lightness of Blowjobs

Miranda Levy is a major in Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies at Elon University where she pens a sex column for its student-run lifestyle magazine, The Edge.  “Popping her cherry” “Swiping my V-card” “Going all the way” All of these phrases — and countless more — connote one single, sexual act: intercourse. Given its reproductive implications, our […]

Personal Essays
An Everywoman’s Visceral Reaction to the Election of Trump

A few days after November 8th, I was talking to a friend, a progressive everywoman, who said she couldn’t stop crying or throwing up. I wasn’t sure if she was kidding. “Are you really throwing up?” She said yes, that she could only manage the occasional piece of chocolate and cup of tea, even though […]

Why Donald Trump, America’s Abusive Boyfriend, Won the Election

How did the least qualified person ever to run for the presidency of the United States manage to win? In large part, by negging us. Negging is one of the pick-up artist community’s cynical and manipulative strategies for seducing women. A man deliberately delivers backhanded compliments and other sly insults to his “target” in order […]

“1000s and 1000s of Shades of Grey” — Erotica by Donald Trump (Watch the Trailer!)

Donald Trump has his tiny little hands in a lot of different ventures, not just real estate: there’s Trump Steaks, Trump Wine, Trump University, and now, fortunately for us, Trump Erotica. Perhaps an odd choice for a presidential candidate, but when has Trump ever done the done thing? In the hopes of winning over the vast “mommy porn” […]

Personal Essays
On the 10th Anniversary of Our DIY Wedding

Ten years ago today, Joey and I were married — untraditionally, feministically, fantastically. By the spring of 2006, we knew we were going to be together, but we weren’t sure we were going to exchange vows. As a little girl, I had never dreamed of my big day with a big white dress and a […]

What Do You Call a Trans Man Who Gives Birth and Nurses?

Lucky! Time Magazine recently ran an article entitled “My Brother’s Pregnancy and the Making of a New American Family” by Jessi Hempel about a transgender man getting pregnant, having a baby and nursing his child (which introduced us to our new favorite term, “chest-feeding”): Pregnancies like Evan’s—and the many that are likely to follow—will stretch our cultural perceptions […]

The Great Strap-On Debate: Can a Woman Pressure Her Boyfriend to Get Pegged?

Every few months, a new debate pops up in the comments section of one of our most popular, evergreen posts — “Confession: I Want to Do My Boyfriend with a Strap-On” — written by an anonymous female contributor a few years ago. The standard fare is usually something tired about how “it’s gay and feminizing […]

Asking for Permission to Marry a Woman Is Total Effing Bulls*&t!

Is it the 21st century? Is a woman about to become President of the United States? Do all the best crime dramas feature women in the lead roles (Marcella, Happy Valley, The Fall, The [Swedish] Bridge, The Bletchley Circle…the list goes on)? Yes, women still don’t make the same as men yet — yet — but we’ve come […]

The Most Disturbing Comment This Site Has Ever Received!

After over fifteen years in this business, we’ve seen and heard a lot. There was the couple asking about how they could get their golden retriever to consensually have sex with the wife while the husband watched. There was the morgue worker wondering if he could get STDs from the corpses. There was the “gentleman” Em […]

Pop Culture
Goodnight Sweet Prince: Remembering The Legend’s Sexiest Songs

I guess you could say he was a sex fiend. Prince — who died on April 21st, 2016 at the young age of 57 — dedicated a lot of musical acreage on most of his albums to unabashed sexual expression. There was plenty of macho posturing, for instance, boasting in the 1980 song “Head” about […]

The Future Is NOW: 13 Remote-Controlled Sex Toys Available Today

You are here and your sweetheart is there…either across a crowded room or across a continent. What to do? When your partner was close, you’d have to get up, go over, reach out and touch them; when they were far away, you’d have to email, sext or Skype. But that was before technology made distance (somewhat) obsolete. With teledildonics, […]

Is Rape Natural?

Sometimes a reader comment demands more than just a “thumbs down” or a two-sentence rebuttal.  Sometimes it warrants its own full-length post. J Male’s recent response to “Why Women Have Ravishment and Rape Fantasies” was one such comment. Our reply is below his: “Rape fantasies were a way [for women] to avoid taking blame for their […]