What's Up Doc?
Dr. Kate: Is Breast Self-Exam Best?

Many of my patients come in for their yearly check-ups, and as I do their breast exam, they confess that they haven’t been checking themselves as regularly as they ought to. But there isn’t really a clear answer as to whether or not women “should” perform breast self-exam (or BSE) on a regular basis. There […]

What's Up Doc?
Terrified of Going to the Gyno? 4 Tips from a Real Doctor (Part 2 of 2)

As two women who’ve had some experience on the receiving end of a speculum, we offered some advice to one reader about how to get over her fear of visiting a gynecologist. Below, actual-gynecologist Dr. Kate tries to further allay her fears as a woman who’s spent her career on the giving end. You’re not […]

Dear Em & Lo
Terrified of Going to the Gyno? 8 Ways to Relax Enough to Make Your Appointment

Hey Em and Lo, I know how important it is to see a gyno, but honestly, I am terrified to go.  I’ve actually made several appointments since I lost my virginity about nine months ago, but every time the date approaches, I find myself canceling last minute.  I’ve tried positive thinking, ignoring thoughts of the […]

What's Up Doc?
Dear Dr. Kate: How Can I Make Sex Less Painful?

Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in Boston who lectures nationally on women’s health issues and conducts research on reproductive health.  She regularly (and generously!) answers your medical questions here on To ask her your own, click here. Dr. Kate, Since I started having sex (4 years ago, I’m 20 now) I’ve never […]

Dear Em & Lo
How to Help Your Vagina Taste and Smell Better

Dear Em & Lo, My husband and I have been been sexually active with one another for five years.  I’ve been smoking cigarettes for four years. I slowed down dramatically when I got pregnant in 2007 (from needing my own pack to two cigarettes a day or none at all). My husband didn’t know about […]

Dear Em & Lo
8 Ways to Overcome Anxiety About a Gynecologist Visit

photo via flickr Nervous about going to the gynecologist? That’s a bummer. Okay, that’s all the sympathy you’re going to get from us, because you’ve got to get over it. Your health is at stake, especially once you’re sexually active — and there’s nothing more important. We all have to do things we don’t like: […]

What's Up Doc?
Dear Dr. Kate: Why Does My Vagina Taste Bitter Sometimes?

Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City who answers your medical questions here once a week. To ask her your own question, click here. Hello Dr. Kate, My question is about the taste of my vagina. Both from what my boyfriend has said/his reactions and my […]

What's Up Doc?
Dear Dr. Vanessa: Doc Told Me I Have a Tiny Cervix

photo by eclaire Every few weeks, Dr. Vanessa Cullins, a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist and vice president for medical affairs at Planned Parenthood® Federation of America, will be answering your questions here. To ask her your own question, click here. Dear Dr. Vanessa, I’m 24, and have not yet had any children. At my last gynecological exam, […]

What's Up Doc?
Dear Dr. Vanessa: Can My Gyno Tell If I've Had Sex?

photo by solcookie Every few weeks, Dr. Vanessa Cullins, a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist and vice president for medical affairs at Planned Parenthood® Federation of America, answers your questions here. To ask her your own question, click here. Dear Dr. Vanessa, I’m going to have my first pelvic exam. Can a doctor tell if you’ve had sexual […]

What's Up Doc?
Dear Dr. Vanessa, How Can I Make First-Time Sex Less Painful?

photo by Morning_theft Every few weeks, Dr. Vanessa Cullins, a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist and vice president for medical affairs at Planned Parenthood® Federation of America, will be answering your questions here. To ask her your own question, click here. Dear Dr. Vanessa, I am a 34-year-old female virgin. There were times with one ex when I thought I […]

What's Up Doc?
Dear Dr. Vanessa, Am I Experiencing Early Menopause?

photo by me_and_the_sysop Every few weeks, Dr. Vanessa Cullins, a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist and vice president for medical affairs at Planned Parenthood® Federation of America, will be answering your questions here. To ask her your own question, click here. Dear Dr. Vanessa, I’m 37 and for all my menstrual life I’ve been regular as clockwork, 29 […]

What's Up Doc?
Dear Dr. Vanessa, Did My Vibrator Give Me An Infection?

photo by Helga_Weber Every few weeks, Dr. Vanessa Cullins, a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist and vice president for medical affairs at Planned Parenthood® Federation of America, will be answering your questions here. To ask her your own question, click here. Dear Dr. Vanessa, Okay, so I have a very embarrassing question for you and wanted to check […]

What's Up Doc?
Dear Dr. Kate – Sex Starts Out Fine But Then Becomes Painful

photo by Gabriel Delgado Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City and she answers your medical questions here once a week. To ask her your own question, click here. Dear Dr. Kate, Okay, well here it goes. I really like sex. But my vagina doesn’t, I […]

What's Up Doc?
Dear Dr. Kate: Is Douching Really All That Bad?

photo by cliff 1066 Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City and she answers your medical questions here once a week. To ask her your own question, click here. Dear Dr. Kate, I’m STD and yeast infection free, but I just don’t like the way I […]

What's Up Doc?
Dear Dr. Kate: Can I Ask My Gyno for Sex Advice?

photo by solcookie Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City and she answers your medical questions here once a week. To ask her your own question, click here. Dear Dr. Kate, Are most gynecologists willing to talk about sex in fairly graphic detail — is it […]

What's Up Doc?
Dear Dr. Kate: Can I Get Pregnant During My Period?

Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City and she answers your medical questions here once a week. To ask her your own question, click here. Dear Dr. Kate, Can I get pregnant if I have unprotected sex during my period? I’ve heard that you can, but […]