In a Rut
How To
7 Ways to Fight the “Mommy Problem” from Within Your Relationship

We loved Heather Havrilesky’s “Mommy Problem” article in the Times a while back, about how “the culture demands that every mother be all in, all the time.” And we’re not alone, clearly: We lost count of the number of our friends who gave it the “yep” response in their Facebook feed. Responding in Jezebel, Tracy […]

Wise Guys
How to Make Fireworks in the Bedroom

Advice from three of EM & LO‘s guy friends. This week a straight woman asks, “Seeing as Independence Day is coming up, what’s your number 1 tip for making fireworks in the bedroom?” Straight Single Guy (Tyler Barnett): Pop champagne! Sex is all about letting go of inhibitions and nothing helps you tap into those deep, […]

How To
Why Marriage Vows Should Include Sex

photo via flickr Traditional marriage vows cover better… and worse; sickness… and health; riches…. and poverty; forsaking all others… but not its opposite. What is the opposite of forsaking all others, anyway? Well, if forsaking all others is about the absence of sex (with other people), then its opposite, in our opinion, is the presence […]

An Antidote for Feeling Fifty Shades of Blah in the Bedroom

If the upcoming Fifty Shades movie is making you feel like your own sex life is a little drab in comparison — just a single shade of grey, as it were — then we are prescribing you a dose of the video above, “50 Shades of Pleasure,” made by Trojan with our hilarious director friend Laura Murphy, […]

Dear Em & Lo
What to Do When You Have Zero Sex Drive

photo via flickr Dear Em & Lo, I’m a 23-year old woman in a relationship with a wonderful guy — we’re celebrating two years together this month. We’re pretty serious about each other, but we have a serious hangup: I have very little sex drive. I’m not sure if he’s got an average drive or […]

Dear Em & Lo
Dear Em & Lo: In Defense of Cheating on My Husband

Dear Em & Lo, I’ve read your books and love your website, but I notice you are against any infidelity and look down on those who have affairs, but you’re okay with swinging and group sex and anal sex probes and bisexuals and all kinds of things that normal folks (who occasionally stray) find disgusting. […]

How To
5 Reasons to Wear Lingerie (Especially If You’re Not the Type)

LELO’s Halter Camisole (on sale now for half off) We are not ones to put more undue pressure on women (or men for that matter, though they could use some more time in high heels) to live up to some unrealistic ideal of style and beauty. If you’re comfortable in an old worn oversized cotton […]

Wise Guys
Wise Guys: How to Make Fireworks in the Bedroom

Advice from three of EM & LO‘s guy friends. This week a straight woman asks, “Seeing as it’s Independence Day this week, what’s your number 1 tip for making fireworks in the bedroom?” Straight Single Guy (Tyler Barnett): Pop champagne! Sex is all about letting go of inhibitions and nothing helps you tap into those deep, […]

Dear Em & Lo
Your Call: My Husband Isn’t Interested in Sex with Me

We get a lot of advice questions coming in at, but sadly, we just can’t answer them all. Which is why, once a week, we turn to you to decide how best to advise a reader. Make your call on the letter below by leaving your advice in the comments section.  Help! I’ve been married to my husband 5 […]

Wise Guys
Wise Guys: How to Make Fireworks in the Bedroom

Advice from three of EM & LO‘s guy friends. This week a straight woman asks, “Seeing as it was Independence Day yesterday, what’s your number 1 tip for making fireworks in the bedroom?” Straight Single Guy (Tyler Barnett): Pop champagne! Sex is all about letting go of inhibitions and nothing helps you tap into those deep, […]