Dear Em & Lo, I am a 28 year old man. I am a virgin and want to stay a virgin until I get married. I began masturbating when I was 18, but I’ve been masturbating in my dreams since I was 5 years old. This situation is a real inconvenience. I’m masturbating in my dreams 3 to 4 times a week. […]
Stormy Daniels’ important story of who President Donald Trump is and what he has done – an alleged cheater who had an affair while his wife raised their baby and then had his lawyer pay, perhaps illegally, to cover it up with a non-disclosure agreement right before the 2016 presidential election, after having this ex-paramour […]
Some combination of personality flaw/disorder, power high, and celebrity allowed Harvey Weinstein (and Donald Trump and Bill Cosby and Bill O’Reilly…) to allegedly sexually harass and assault many women for many years with impunity and without remorse. But there’s another factor at work in these cases — one that’s insidious, pervasive and widely permissible: casual […]
Many people went batshit last week when Melania Trump wore stilettos on not one, but two separate visits to Hurricane Harvey devastation last week (though, to be clear, she changed into sneaks on the plane rides there). I (Lo) was intrigued by Rhonda Garelick’s think piece “Melania Trump and the Chilling Artifice of Fashion” in […]
View & share video via YouTube HERE Every year, March 8th is International Women’s Day, a political holiday that honors the struggles, achievements and hopes for women worldwide. Since its first observance in 1908, we’ve come along way, baby! But we’ve got a hell of a long way to go: In 2014 the World […]
Reader “Don” had this to say in response to our post “How Many Partners Officially Makes You a Slut?” While we can see the benefits of reclaiming the word and wearing it as a badge of honor, we also appreciate, like Don, the importance of not using it any self-denigrating way, however subtly: Once, a close friend described […]
Dear Em & Lo, I am 18 and newly single, having just broken up with my boyfriend of over a year and my first sexual partner. I am worried about becoming promiscuous just as much as I am worried about denying myself, due to my old fashioned upbringing. I have been reading your site since before […]
Last night, during part two of the season premiere, Bachelor Nation quickly learned that the producers had in fact stacked the deck against Britt to ensure Kaitlyn would take her rightful place as The Bachelorette. But even being staunch supporters of the Kaitlyn campaign did not make watching Britt’s unceremonious dismissal enjoyable. The Highlander gimmick […]
It’s not the length of the comment, but it’s content. This week, we loved Nikki’s short and to-the-point comment on this week’s “Your Call”: How Do I Get Over All the Sex She’s Had Before Me? Ugh. “Slutty?” What exactly makes her slutty? Having had sex before you came around? Enjoying sex too much? If you have […]
Our contributor Jewely Hoxie studies Human Sexuality at the University of California Santa Cruz (read her blog here). She has this to stay about the slut stigma… How many times have you heard people say, “If she wasn’t such a slut…” or, “She’s kind of a slut, but…” or, “I can’t believe she’s slept with […]
Dear Em & Lo, Lately, my need for sex has been UNQUENCHABLE. It’s reached the point where I’ve roped two booty calls into alternating nights. Am I a slut for doing this? I’m worried that I’m becoming addicted to sex — and I’m only 23! I’ve always had a high sex drive but I’ve never […]