How To
Drunk-Texting an Ex: Good Idea, Bad Idea, or Worst Idea Ever?

Three things always seem like a good idea when you’re drunk: Having another drink, going to Mickey D’s, and texting your most recent ex. You wake the next morning with a pounding head, a roiling stomach, and a cringing feeling as you scroll messages on your phone. And there they are: Sixteen rambling texts to your ex at 3:10 […]

10 Fun Sexts to Send!

By Emily Ratay for YourTango Sex is supposed to be fun. The more at ease you can be with your partner (or partners) about sex, the better it is. Rather than worrying about embarrassing yourself, you can just laugh off any unsmooth moves together. Crack jokes, be lighthearted — that helps make sex a less taboo topic. Aside from actually doing the […]

Dear Em & Lo
Dear Em & Lo, I Love Him But He’s Already Got a Girlfriend

Hi, I would like advice. I am single mother and I met someone on a dating website. When we met he told me he didn’t have a girlfriend. After a while, we were emailing each other every day. After 6 months, I finally met him face to face and we liked each other. But then he started telling […]

How To
8 Short Poems Hot Enough to Sext Tonight

Happy World Poetry Day! (March 21st) A few years ago, then U.K. Education Secretary Michael Gove got teased mercilessly all over the Internets for his suggestion that teenagers should text amorous poetry to each other instead of nude pics. There’s an even an app for it! The Love Book App not only has celebrities reading sexy snippets (we […]

How To
10 Clues You’re a “Side Chick”

by Kristal Talley No one wants to be “the other woman” (if you do, then you’ve got problems). But chances are you’ll end up a side chick at least once in your life, whether you realize it or not. There are clues to look out for. No single sign automatically mean he’s cheating on someone with you […]

Your Call
Your Call: How Do You Let Someone Down Gently?

We get a lot of advice questions coming in at EMandLO.com, but sadly, we just can’t answer them all. Which is why, once a week, we turn to you to decide how best to advise a reader. Make your call on the letter below by leaving your advice in the comments section.  I went out with this guy I’ve known […]

How To
Guys: DON’T Send a Dick Pic, Send THIS Instead

by Laurel House for YourTango Please stop. Guys, reality check: sending dick pics doesn’t make a lady want to date you. Just like being cat-called doesn’t make a woman want to meet the guy yelling at her, or being accosted on the street by a flasher doesn’t turn her on, we are turned off and grossed out when your dick just randomly shows […]

How To
The Real Reasons Why Men Send Pics of their Penises

by Amanda Chatel for YourTango | Justin Bieber selfie via Instagram Finally, peeps: the answer you’ve long been waiting for. As you can see on https://hotnudemen.net/, dick pics are becoming a big part of the “talking” phase in relationships with a lot of people happily exchanging nudes as a way to have some fun before […]

Pop Culture
Great Love Texts from Literature: Romeo & Juliet

ACT II. SCENE II. Capulet’s orchard: Juliet: R, where u @? [No response.] Juliet: helloooo???? [No response. Juliet starts a new text.] Juliet: yo, i think i’m in <3 but our rents h8 each other Romeo: o rly? Juliet: omg! meant that for my bff, lolz. nvm! Romeo: QFT Juliet: ??? Romeo: i feel the […]

How To
The 25 Rules of the Booty Call

Most people don’t talk about booty calls. That’s part of their appeal: “We don’t have to endlessly com-mu-ni-cate because we’re not in a serious relationship.” People rely on a tacit understanding when it comes to casual sex with their friends and neighbors, and especially their exes. But it’s silly to assume that everyone “understands” the […]

A New App DOES Make Sending Dirty Pics Safer (Get It Free!)

Once again, the Internets really DO work! Two-and-a-half weeks ago, we told you about a new app called Peek that tried to make sending dirty pics to the objects of your affection safer. The original idea: You take a naughty picture with your phone via Peek, send it out and the recipient can only view the picture once, through a […]

Pop Culture
A New App Tries to Make Sending Dirty Pics Safer

A reader just tipped us off to this 99 cent app called Peek: it lets you take naughty pictures of yourself and send them to the object of your affection with a little less risk. The recipient can only view the picture once, through a small circular moveable “keyhole”, for only 30 seconds before it disappears (from […]

Pop Culture
When Parents Text

photo via flickr Some people worry that technology is hindering human communication, creating more distance in relationships, but we think When Parents Text is evidence to the contrary,” write co-authors Lauren Kaelin and Sophia Fraioli about their new book. And we think they’re right — amongst the ALL CAPS and multiple exclamation points and weird […]

Dear Em & Lo
Dear Em & Lo: Can I Dump a Booty Call By Text?

photo by sidewalk_flying Dear Em & Lo, Until last week I had been dating a lovely man who would make an excellent casual partner, but was not much chop for heading toward an actual relationship, which is my preferred modus operandi (he has agreed with this analysis). The problem was, as a journalist he was […]

Social Networking Leads to Oscar Nominations, Casual Sex

The movie The Social Network scored eight Oscar nominations last week, but that’s not the only way in which social networking, lower case, is scoring. According to a poll conducted by Men’s Fitness and Shape magazines (not exactly the ivory towers, we know, but the sex and dating research coming out of there is often just […]

The Most Important Invention of the Year

Forget green energy and an iron man suit for the military — the most important invention of 2010 is software that detects sarcasm. (Just checking to see if the software is up and running yet.) According to Time magazine, the Semi-Supervised Algorithm for Sarcasm Identification — developed at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem — can pick […]