photo via flickr A female friend of ours, a recent college grad who wishes to remain anonymous, has a confession to make: When I got to college, I was still carrying around my V card in my back pocket. By then, I had read erotica, watched porn, masturbated, made out furiously with high school boyfriends, […]
We feel honored, lucky and humble that some very smart readers and writers choose as their place to intelligently discuss and debate issues of sexuality and culture. Exhibit A: The comments section of last week’s Comment of the Week, which was a response to the post “Your Call – How Long Can a Virgin Make […]
photo via flickr Get Personal Advice Publicly on EMandLO.comTry Our New *PRIVATE* Advice Service! Dear Em & Lo, I came across your site as I am trying to prepare for my wedding night and my first time with my wife. I know nowadays it’s normal for women to shave/wax around the vagina to look clean, […]
photo via flickr For the record, when we pick a “Comment of the Week,” it’s not necessarily an indication that we agree with the poster. We’re not that narrow-minded, we swear! Sometimes we pick comments that make an interesting point, or comments we think will start an interesting debate, or comments that present an argument […]
Hi Em & Lo, So I’m a freshman in college and I have never dated before or even been kissed. Sometimes I really feel like I’m missing out. I’m pretty friendly, but is it bad that I still haven’t had a relationship yet? What should I do? Help! Sincerely, Never Been Kissed Dear N.B.K., […]
photo via flickr Get Personal Advice Publicly on EMandLO.comTry Our New *PRIVATE* Advice Service! Yesterday we answered a thirty-something virgin’s plea for help. Today, we tell her and this woman and virgins everywhere whether they should tell the first guy they’re going to have intercourse with that they’re still carrying their V-cards: Dear Em & […]
photo via Flickr Get Personal Advice Publicly on EMandLO.comTry Our New *PRIVATE* Advice Service! Dear Em & Lo, I’ll get straight to it: I’m in my early thirties and I’m a virgin. Not really by choice. It’s just never happened. It’s gotten to the point where I’m so worried what potential dates (and even platonic […]
photo via flickr A female friend of ours, a recent college grad who wishes to remain anonymous, has a confession to make: When I got to college, I was still carrying around my V card in my back pocket. By then, I had read erotica, watched porn, masturbated, made out furiously with high school boyfriends, […]
Theresa Shecter and the gals at Trixie Films are making a documentary called “How to Lose Your Virginity” — it’s goal is “to undo centuries of myths and contradictions around virginity, and to encourage an honest conversation with people navigating the confusing process of deciding when and why to become sexual.” Its subjects include a rock violinist, an Ivy League […]
Not every Comment of the Week is chosen for its thoughtfulness, insight and eloquence. No, sometimes we get a comment that is so insane and earnest and downright creepy, that we can’t help but highlight it, if for no other reason than its entertainment value. Sure, it might be a joke. Either way, it’ll make […]
photo via Flickr We get a lot of advice questions coming in at, but sadly, we just can’t answer them all. Which is why, once a week, we turn to you to decide how best to advise a reader. And frankly, this one is a doozie. Make your call by leaving your response in the comments section below. Dear […]
Dear Em & Lo, I’m a young adult in a new relationship with a guy a year older than me. I have never done anything besides kiss with a guy, and I know that he is definitely not a virgin. I don’t think I am ready to do anything with him, and I know he […]
photo via flickr We get a lot of advice questions coming in at, but sadly, we just can’t answer them all. Which is why, once a week, we turn to you to decide how best to advise a reader. Make your call by leaving your response in the comments section below. Hi Em & Lo, For various reasons […]
We recently ran a post on about television shows with hot sex scenes, but if we’re being honest, the stuff that really floats our boats is the hilarious, cringe-worthy stuff that just seems a lot more realistic — after all, sex is often awkward, full of miscommunication, with some head bonking and disappointment, maybe tears. […]
We first heard from Kate Monro a few years ago from across the pond when her Virginity Project was just a fledgeling little baby blog. Today, that blog, which collects and publishes first time tales of all sorts from all over the world, is shortlisted for the final of the UK Cosmoplitan Blog Awards 2011; she’s got a book […]
photo by mccun934 A college friend of ours who wishes to remain nameless has a confession to make: As a 21-year-old virgin I thought sex was going to be the most overwhelming, painful, awkward, terrible, awful experience ever. Why did I think this? Because friends, magazines, and blogs all over the place said so. Not so! Yes, cashing in […]
We get a lot of advice questions coming in at, but sadly, we just can’t answer them all. Which is why, once a week, we turn to you to decide how best to advise a reader. Make your call by leaving your advice in the comments section below: Dear Em & Lo, My boyfriend […]