Advice from three of EM & LO‘s guy friends. This week a straight woman asks, “Seeing as Independence Day is coming up, what’s your number 1 tip for making fireworks in the bedroom?” Straight Single Guy (Tyler Barnett): Pop champagne! Sex is all about letting go of inhibitions and nothing helps you tap into those deep, […]
Advice from three of our guy friends. This week they answer the following: “Do guys care about what a woman wears, or is she basically just dressing to impress herself and her fellow females (and perhaps her gay friends)?“ Straight Single Guy (Chris DiClerico): Yes we do. We don’t necessarily care about brand names, the […]
Advice from three of our guy friends. This week we ask, “Are men hardwired to cheat? More than women?“ Straight Married Guy (Ben): When it comes to sex, sexuality and attraction, men ARE hardwired for many things. We are hardwired to notice — men, women, whatever your sexual preference. We are hardwired to assess — […]
Advice from three of our guy friends. This week they answer, quite diversely, the following: Do guys fake orgasms? Straight Single Guy (Colin): Of course! We probably don’t faux the Big O as much as women do, but every now and then the circumstances might call for us to fake. If our endurance is flagging […]
Advice from three of our guy friends. This week, they answer the following: Why do men cat-call? Straight Married Guy (Figleaf): Oh boy, where did I just see a link to a TV clip of a woman walking up to men who cat-called her and asked them why? (You can answer in comments if you’ve […]
Advice from three of our guy friends. This week a straight woman asks,“What’s up with men’s nipples? Should I play with them or ignore them?” Gay Single Guy (Jay Dyckman): When it comes to nipple play and men, it’s very easy. Some love it, some hate it, and some will ask you, during said act, and in […]
Advice from three of our guy friends. This week they answer the following: Why do guys seem to hate talking on the phone? Gay Single Guy (Daniel): My suspicion is that it has to do with how most straight guys talk, or rather, don’t talk. Straight men seem to not indulge in gossip and tangential […]
Advice from three of our guy friends. This week a straight woman asks, “I think my boobs are too small — slightly pudgy guys have bigger boobs than me! Should I get a boob job?” Gay Committed Guy (Mark): It really depends on how you feel. Even though god knows how many Americans have some […]
Advice from three of our guy friends. This week they answer the following: What do you think about circumcision? Gay Engaged Guy (Joel Derfner, author of Swish): I know one person who was circumcised as an adult, so he’s the only guy I can think of who knows what it’s like both ways — sort […]
Advice from three of our guy friends. This week they answer the following: “What’s the difference between an average blowjob and an excellent blowjob?” Straight Single Guy (Chris): I have had a handful of extraordinary blowjobs in my lifetime. Generally I say something to any talented giver, pointing out how noteworthy her skills are. One […]
Advice from three of our guy friends. This week they answer the following: Who should pay on a first date? Gay Committed Guy (Terence): A general rule that you can’t go wrong with: whoever asked their date out should pay. Real simple, eh? Now if you want to be real smooth, then if A asked […]
Advice from three of our guy friends. This week a straight woman asks, “What do men in general think about dating older women, or cougars?” Straight Married Guy (Jim): The cougar seems like a largely positive stereotype and I’m all for it. However, the importance of not dressing like you just chalked your first ID cannot […]
Advice from three of our guy friends. This week they answer the following: Should I pay more attention to my boyfriend’s balls? Straight Single Guy (Mark): Well, at least don’t forget about them. Getting past the generic notion that everyone’s preferences are different, and thus communication with your partner is key — absolutely true of […]
photo via flickr Advice from three of our guy friends. This week a straight woman asks, “What do you guys think of a new date who wants to sleep over but doesn’t want to have sex?” Straight Single Guy (Max): Personally, I say bravo. The longer you make me work for it, the better everything […]
photo via Flickr Advice from three of our guy friends. This week they answer the following: Okay, so how different is intercourse with a condom? What does it feel like? Do different kinds of condoms make a difference? Straight Married Guy (Fred): It’s different. It’s not as good. Think pancakes without the syrup. Scratching an […]
photo of open marriage fan Anais Nin via Wikimedia Commons Advice from three of’s guy friends. This week they answer the following: “I want to have an open relationship, but my boyfriend doesn’t want to open up the relationship. I don’t want to break up, what should I do?” To ask the guys your own question, click here. […]