How To
8 Potty Habits That Will Improve Your Sex Life

Let’s talk about poop, baby – the most ordinary of bodily functions, yet the one most mired in shame and lame Freudian stages. We’re all victims of evolution’s big cosmic joke: the placement of the body’s waste disposal system right next to its biggest pleasure receptors. No wonder sex is often considered dirty! One of […]

How To
What Your Date’s Starbucks Order Says About Your Relationship

Look at the drink the person you’re dating orders when the two of you go to Starbucks together. I’m absolutely serious. Their Starbucks drink order can be all the information you need to figure out if they like you and if you’ve attracted the soulmate of your dreams.   1. If they order the same thing as […]

How To
8 Ways Great Sex Starts WITHOUT Your Partner

If you want to start eating healthy, you know that changing your relationship to food is more effective than a crash diet. The same is true with your sex life. Concerning yourself with just the act of sex is like only counting calories. There are numerous aspects of your daily life that affect sex in […]

Pop Culture
Feast: A Short Story About Love, Sex & Thanksgiving

When we worked at eons ago, when it was an honest to goodness literary magazine about sex, we had the pleasure of working with amazing authors, both titans and up-and-comers. One of our favorites was O. Henry Prize-winner Keith Banner. His latest collection of short stories, Next to Nothing, recounts “the troubled lives of ne’er do […]

Your Thanksgiving Dinner Is One Big Aphrodisiac!

Note from Em & Lo: We’re not 100 percent sold on the scientific validity of everything in this article from our friends at YourTango, but we’re all for anything that helps justify stuffing your face on Thanksgiving!  That’s right: what happens at the Thanksgiving table has been proven to get the blood flowing, and we’re not […]

How To
Hot & Cheap: How to Make a Home-Cooked Meal for a Dollar!

Being able to cook is traditionally seen as sexy, but frugality? Not so much. But when you save money on food, think of all that leftover moolah you can apply to romantic dinners out, just-because gifts, and sex toy upgrades! When we think of sexiness and frugality, we think of Jack Murnighan. We used to […]

Pop Culture
Retro Sex Advice of the Week

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid to Ask) by David R. Reuben, M.D., is the most popular book on human sexuality of all time — but until now, we’d only ever read the thirtieth anniversary edition, which was released in 1999. And then yesterday, a friend presented us with a […]

Wise Guys
Wise Guys: Is the Way to a Man’s Heart Really Through His Stomach?

photo by Julie via WikiCommons Advice from three of’s guy friends. This week they answer the following: “Is the way to a man’s heart through his stomach? And if not, what’s the way?” Married Bisexual Guy (Bryan Sebeck): In a word, yes.  Several peer-reviewed scientific studies have shown that men are most attracted to scents that are both […]

Eat Chocolate, Pray, Love

We’re suckers for a good Kickstarter project — all that hope and passion and entrepreneurship, and you can be part of it for less than the cost of a dinner out. The most recent one we heard of is called The Placebo Chocolate Effect (we’re fans based on the name alone). The story reads like […]

Comment of the Week: How to Improve Your Partner’s Body Image

photo via flickr My friend’s boyfriend would always tell her he loved her body but she never believed him (they never do) — so he bought her a donut everyday till she believed him. Sounds strange, but it worked. — ciara, responding to the (oldie-but-goodie) post “Your Call: How Can I Convince My Girlfriend I […]

What's Up Doc?
Dear Dr. Kate: How Long Will It Take to Cleanse My Scent?

photo by Tambako The Jaguar Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City and she answers your medical questions here every two weeks. To ask her your own question, click here. Dear Dr. Kate, I’ve read your post ”Why Does My Vagina Taste Bitter Sometimes?” Okay, so I […]

How To
10 Rules for a Dinner Date

Got a dinner date planned for this weekend? These 10 rules should help. Remember, you should be an animal in the bedroom, not the dining room. 1. Never sit next to each other on one side of a table unless you’re being filmed for a reality TV show. Be adults and sit facing each other. […]

Do It Tonight
Do It Tonight! Get Some Fiber in Your Diet

add a little psyllium husk powder to O.J. We guess this is probably more a “Do It This Morning!” kind of thing, since prunes go better with sunshine. But no matter what time of day you do it, adding fiber to your diet can improve your sex life. We shit you not. (Ba dum ching!) […]