Let’s talk about poop, baby – the most ordinary of bodily functions, yet the one most mired in shame and lame Freudian stages. We’re all victims of evolution’s big cosmic joke: the placement of the body’s waste disposal system right next to its biggest pleasure receptors. No wonder sex is often considered dirty! One of […]
A while back we here at EMandLO.com conducted a poll called “Vulva or Vagina?” Readers had two options to choose from (natch): Vulva – If we’re talking about female external genitalia, this is the anatomically correct & accurate term. (Plus, it sounds nicer.) Vagina – That’s what EVERYONE calls it. It’s common practice, common knowledge. Nobody calls it […]
Just because male sexual structures are a bit more, shall we say, obvious, does not mean you can forgo the anatomy lesson. There are important parallels between male and female sexual machinery that will help you understand how to best to use what you’ve got on your own and with your partner, especially if your […]
There’s a lot more than meets the eye when it comes to female sexual anatomy: the waters of that pleasure system run way deep. These parts are not inferior, miniature versions of the male sexual anatomy, but rather equitable, albeit more internal, sexual structures that enjoy stimulation just as much. They simply need the right […]
Dear Em & Lo, If I masturbate 3 times a day 7 days a week and haven’t had a real sex partner in over a year, can I get trichomoniasis? — Red Handed Dear RH, Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by a protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis, most commonly passed from genitals to genitals. […]
Before you can create a masterpiece, you have to understand your medium. Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to sex. Which is why it’s important to go beyond the basics you learned back in high school health class and regularly give yourself lessons in adult sex ed. When you know the anatomy of yourself […]
A word of warning: Some links are definitely NSFW. There is very little new under the sexual sun. Classical Roman and Greek art honor both anal and oral sex, with the interesting codicil that the higher-ranked personage was always the top, the lower ranked the bottom, for both forms of naughty. (We can guess Julius Caesar was not unlike […]
According to Carlyle Jansen of the Toronto-based sexuality shop Good for Her, multiple orgasms are well within your reach! Check out her expert advice for LELO.com on achieving multiple orgasms below. Are you a one-hit wonder when it comes to clitoral orgasms? Do you, like many of us, experience the intense and sudden post-orgasm “Don’t touch me!” […]
Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in Boston who lectures nationally on women’s health issues and conducts research on reproductive health. She regularly (and generously!) answers your health questions here on EMandLO.com. To ask her your own, click here. Dr. Kate, Hi, I recently had sex with a friend (with benefits) and he was going a […]
What? Tinder’s too slow for you? You’re fine with judging by surface attraction (after all, didn’t Oscar Wilde say only shallow people did otherwise?), but there’s still all that meeting and small talk and general dithering before you get to the Netflix and chill part of the evening. Wouldn’t you just like to cut to […]
by Rebecca Jane Stokes for YourTango Get to your dresser and start throwing out your short-shorts ASAP. During the summer months, we all do our bests to look good. For me, looking good comes second to keeping my vagina nice and cool. That’s right, I said it. Hot vagina is a problem. If I don’t want to scare away […]
Dear Em & Lo, My bf and I have sex and it feels so amazing, but after at least 7 to 10 minutes later it begins to hurt and burn. I try using spit to help with the lubrication but that just seems to make matters worst. So how can I use lube during sex […]
Aly Walansky for YourTango [Editors’ note: “Sex” here means many things, including, but not limited to, intercourse, oral sex, manual sex, masturbation…] SEX IS GOOD FOR OUR BODY in ways we can’t even imagine. From better sleep, to a stronger immune system, to burning calories and boosting our mood, getting some is good in many ways. Of […]
Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in Boston who lectures nationally on women’s health issues and conducts research on reproductive health. She regularly (and generously!) answers your medical questions here on EMandLO.com. To ask her your own, click here. Dear Dr. Kate, Hi, I have some concerns about my boyfriend and his private parts…. […]
Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in Boston who lectures nationally on women’s health issues and conducts research on reproductive health. She regularly (and generously!) answers your medical questions here on EMandLO.com. To ask her your own, click here. Dear Dr. Kate, The hair around my private parts grow […]
by Emily Blackwood for YourTango 1. The word vagina comes from the Latin root meaning “sheath for a sword.” Not surprisingly, the word “gladius,” meaning “sword,” was a common term for the penis. WeHeartIt 2. In 2014, a doctor removed a potato that started sprouting vines inside patient’s vagina. The patient’s mother had told her it would prevent pregnancy. 3. It’s impossible […]