What’s the etiquette of getting some nookie when there’s a roommate in the picture? We’re not talking about having sex with your roommate — if you’re doing that, poor soul, then even we can’t save you from the inevitable blow-up. No, we’re talking about the delicate issue of when, where, and how to have sex if […]
You’re away on business, you don’t know a soul in this town, you’re holed up in your hotel room, alone and lonely (read: horny) and because you are a not a cheating scumbag and this isn’t Up in the Air, you pick up the phone to call your honey at home in the hopes of […]
Dates may be cheap but they ain’t never free. So who coughs up? Whoever did the asking should expect to pay for the date. This is the 21st century, people; it’s so last century to assume the man always gets it. That said, if you’ve been asked out, you should always assume you’ll be going dutch. […]
Here are a few questions to ask yourself about the person you’re dating before offering them a permanent position. Three strikes is forgivable (otherwise neither of us would pass our own test), four is a bit sketchy, and as for five or more…don’t make us say “we told you so.” 1. Are you the center […]
If you’re planning on having a new guest over to “look at your etchings” for the first time, follow these 10 rules to ensure there’s a next time: Only invite a guest over when you won’t have to rush out the door the next morning. Warn any roommates that you will be entertaining that evening. […]
It’s called a “prenook” — and if you’re interested in casual sex, you should get one. We have nothing against casual sex so long as everyone is being safe and the casual nature of the sex is completely mutual. And “mutual” is where things get tricky. May we introduce you to the concept of a […]
Straight ladies, if there’s any chance your evening will end up in a sleepover, transform your purse into a make-shift washbag. Even if there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell you’ll be getting nooky tonight, carry these items with you anyway — because the best hook-ups happen when you least expect them. Compact ballet flats. […]
photo via flickr Everyone knows it’s polite to open the car door for your date — and we hope that everyone knows it’s a nice touch when women remember to do this, too. But what happens if you live in a city where you’re more likely to take a cab? If you hold the cab […]
Foreplay is not an obligatory two minutes of making out, it’s not purely physical, it’s not a routine that automatically earns you intercourse, it’s not just for women, and it doesn’t always have to be candle-lit (though florescent overhead lights are never seductive). The idea is to free foreplay it’s traditionally narrow definition. Think of it […]
photo via Flickr A lot of people refuse to talk dirty because they are afraid of sounding stupid (see this week’s Wise Guys about what NOT to say in bed). But you don’t have to say things out of character, throw around more four-letter words than Gordon Ramsay, or speak in pornographic detail in order […]
photo by love janine A good cuddle after a vigorous mating ritual is what separates us from the animals. To suggest that you have personal space issues or are sensitive to over-stimulation after you’ve had your orifices intimately explored is downright rude. A minimum of fifteen minutes of quality embracing/back tickling/hair tousling is in order, […]
photo by pasakaru So you’ve met that perfect someone, the man or woman you suspect could be the illustrious “One” — but they’re inconveniently dating someone else. How do you plead your case? First, are you absolutely convinced this person is your soul mate? Because if you’re just in it for the sex, then stealing […]
photo via UCLA’s bench tales To “bench” someone, romantically speaking, is to put them in relationship limbo without telling them. Let’s say you have a sneaky feeling that you might want to break up with your partner soon, but you’re not 100 percent sure, and in the meantime you don’t want to screw things up […]
photo by paris_corrupted The blind date is alive and well, thanks to online dating and well-intentioned grandmothers. But what if your blind date turns out to be a loud talker with halitosis and a goiter? Given the odds, it’s amazing that otherwise intelligent beings ever agree to a blind date. Call it hope triumphing over […]
Given how much it takes out of a person simply to approach a stranger at a bar, let alone get their number or ask them out, it seems unfair that you’ve then got to plan the perfect date, too. Unfortunately going to Disneyland isn’t usually a viable option — and neither’s Dollywood, which is too […]
Boa Pleasure Ties from Lelo.com With a love interest, socks just won’t cut it when it comes to holiday gift-giving; it’s nice to give a present that shows you consider them a sex god/goddess. But don’t give something that’s obviously a present to yourself, like polyester butt-floss lingerie that may look good to you but […]