Hi Em & Lo, So I’m a freshman in college and I have never dated before or even been kissed. Sometimes I really feel like I’m missing out. I’m pretty friendly, but is it bad that I still haven’t had a relationship yet? What should I do? Help! Sincerely, Never Been Kissed Dear N.B.K., […]
For many young men and women, this week marks the start of a new chapter of life — one of higher learning, critical thinking, problem solving, horizon broadening, and lots and lots of casual bonking. It’s a whole new world of unchaperoned independence and freedom combined with 18-year-old hormones — which can result in a […]
In his recent Class Day speech at Princeton University, Steve Carell closed with his version of the “wear sunscreen” list of helpful hints for grads. (Except, of course, the original “wear sunscreen” advice was not given by Kurt Vonnegut during a commencement address at MIT, as the Internets insisted on telling us for years — […]
Commencement season is wrapping up and everyone’s coming out with their “Best Commencement Speeches of 2012” lists — all with the usual suspects, of course: Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Michael Bloomberg, Brian Williams, Katie Couric, Oprah Winfrey… yeah, yeah, yeah, a few jokes, some heartfelt platitudes, lots of security. Yawn. But our hands-down absolute favorite […]
We get a lot of advice questions coming in at EMandLO.com, but sadly, we just can’t answer them all. Which is why, once a week, we turn to you to decide how best to advise a reader. Make your call by leaving your advice in the comments section below. I am a 22 year old […]
photo via Flickr A college-student contributor friend of ours, who wishes to remain anonymous, confesses her favorite ways to keep things under wraps, aurally speaking: One of my favorite quotes of all time is an uncharacteristically understated gem of advice from Kurt Vonnegut: “I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim […]
A college-student contributor friend of ours, who wishes to remain anonymous, has a confession to make: I came into college and out of my first relationship ready to be single and to enjoy my new-found singledom with as many new people as possible. Generally, things went pretty well for me. I really enjoyed the free […]
Our contributor Abby Spector, who is majoring in Feminist/Gender/Sexuality Studies at Wesleyan University, confesses the downside of her chosen field: Picture this: it’s a Sunday night. You’re lonely. However, instead of watching romantic comedies and listening to Joni Mitchell, you have to read about the beauty of the female orgasm. Reading about great sex is […]
Our contributor Alice Hua, a freshman at the University of Pennsylvania, has a confession to make: I spontaneously took a bus from Philadelphia to NYC one Friday for a single reason: My friend Lexi was attending an orgy and I wanted to check it out. It was just a college themed party, so at first […]
images via beautifulagony.com Our contributor Jewely Hoxie, who is studying Human Sexuality at the University of California Santa Cruz — you can read her blog here — has a confession to make: You constantly hear about how men get off just from the sound of their partner’s moans and groans — there’s a reason that […]
photo by jenny downing A college-student contributor friend of ours, who wishes to remain anonymous, has a confession to make: Early into the sexual getting-to-know-you phase of my most recent relationship, my then-new beau surfaced for air mid-tumble long enough to exclaim, confused and generally pleased, “Dude, you wear some scandalous underwear!” And, you know […]
Regular readers of this blog will know that few things make us happier than FAILblog. We don’t think that teen guys wiping out during skateboard tricks are remotely funny, but a “chocolate chip muffin” with only one chocolate chip? Comedy genius. That all said, we hate to think of ourselves as suckers, which is why […]
photo by kait jarbeau A college-student contributor friend of ours, who wishes to remain anonymous, has a confession to make: Woodly Allen famously quipped, “Don’t knock masturbation; It’s sex with someone I love.” True that, Woody. Whether alone or incorporated in partnered sex, masturbation is easily my favorite hobby. Below, my 10 favorite reasons to […]
Our contributor Katherine Chen, once an English major at Princeton University (check out her personal site here), penned a series of confessions for EMandLO.com collectively called “The Virgin Diaries.” Here’s her eighth installment. Her ninth is Top 10 Cons of Virginity: If my period skips a month, it’s a cause for celebration, not despair. Living without the fear […]
As recently as the ’90s, Em was horrified to hear her college roommate say that she was at school to get three letters: MRS. It was said kind of tongue-in-cheek… but not completely. The ironic thing was that back then, having a college degree actually meant that a woman was less likely to get married…and […]
photo by stevendepolo Other people’s dreams are never interesting…except when they’re about sex. Each week, our dream analyst Lauri Loewenberg tells one lucky reader what their dirty dream means. This week, a reader asks Lauri: I recently dreamed that I went back to college as I am now — a twenty-six year old. I ended […]