photo via flickr Last week we published two excerpts from Tracey Cox’s new book Dare: What Happens When Fantasies Come True, which is available now on Amazon for your Kindle. (Tracey’s Dare product range is also available at LoveHoney.) The first excerpt explained how fantasizing can improve your relationship, and the second was the hilarious/cringe-inducing/enlightening/still kind of hot […]
Earlier this week we published an excerpt from Tracey Cox’s awesome new book, Dare: What Happens When Fantasies Come True, which is available now on Amazon for your Kindle. The excerpt explains how and why fantasizing can improve your sex life. Today, in a second excerpt from the book, a British woman named Madison (you’ll notice some […]
Tracey Cox author photo by Daniel Annett The fabulous and funny Tracey Cox from the U.K. is one of our favorite sex writers out there. We’re thrilled to present the following excerpt from her new book, Dare: What Happens When Fantasies Come True, which is available now on Amazon for your Kindle. Tracey’s Dare product range […]
Other people’s dreams are never interesting…except when they’re about sex. Each week, our dream analyst Lauri Loewenberg tells one lucky reader what their dirty dream means. Got a dream you want Lauri to analyze? Click here to submit it) This week, a reader asks Lauri: I have had my eye on a guy for 8 […]
Dear Em & Lo, Me and my husband of twenty years have been fantasizing about so many things — one of which is me being grinded on by a male stripper in a private room with my husband watching. This was realized about a month ago at a gay bar where we decided to proceed […]
photo via flickr We get a lot of advice questions coming in at, but sadly, we just can’t answer them all. Which is why, once a week, we turn to you to decide how best to advise a reader. And frankly, this one is a doozie. Make your call by leaving your response in the comments section below. Dear […]
photo via flickr Advice from three of’s guy friends. This week they answer the following: “Do most guys still fantasize about other people when they’re in a relationship? During masturbation or during sex with their partner, or both?“ To ask the guys your own question, click here. Married Straight Guy (Irad Eyal of […]
photo by John Brawley If you want to feel like it’s the very first time, then it’s important to keep sex surprising and try new things regularly. You can’t get lazy. So give the following steps a try every now and then. You might feel silly being “experimental,” but the occasional awkward moment is a […]
Advice from three of’s guy friends. This week they answer the following: “You often hear how the rape fantasy is common in the minds of many women. Do men have this fantasy, too?” To ask the guys your own question, click here. Straight Single Guy (Tom Miller): I’m sure lots of men have rape […]
photo by bixentro Advice from three of our guy friends. This week a straight woman asks,“How common is it for guys imagine someone else while they’re having sex with a partner? Does it depend on the guy? Does it depend on the relationship? How do you think it compares to the rate at which women […]
photo by cogdogblog I feel the same way about the guys that hold this double standard [when a guy looks at other women but gets jealous if his girlfriend ogles men] as the girls who read romance novels and watch chick flick marathons and freak out when their guy uses porn to masturbate. It all […]
Sharing a fantasy with a partner can be a cheap and easy way to foster intimacy, build trust, and kink things up. But it takes a lot of courage to do. What if you think yours is too mundane to put into words (remember Meg Ryan’s faceless stranger fantasy in When Harry Met Sally?). Or […]
Truth or Dare has sadly bitten the dust, but you can find lots of other fun adult games at There’s a reason why Truth or Dare is mostly played by high school kids — because they’re the only ones who are willing to spend hours coming up with creative truths or dares to get […]
photo by Dale Gillard Dear Em & Lo, I have this really awesome, sensitive, caring, sweet, good-in-bed, blah blah blah boyfriend — I wouldn’t leave him for the world. I also have wild fantasies about being tied up, demeaned, beaten . . . you get the idea. Is this a problem? Maybe fantasies are not […]
Ladies, who are you most likely to fantasize about when you masturbate?(trends) Can’t see the poll? Click here to take it.
Men, who are you most likely to fantasize about when you masturbate?(online surveys) Can’t see the poll? Click here to take it.