A while back we here at EMandLO.com conducted a poll called “Vulva or Vagina?” Readers had two options to choose from (natch): Vulva – If we’re talking about female external genitalia, this is the anatomically correct & accurate term. (Plus, it sounds nicer.) Vagina – That’s what EVERYONE calls it. It’s common practice, common knowledge. Nobody calls it […]
There’s no such thing as an “ugly vagina.” Here’s why… Dear Em & Lo, A male acquaintance recently started a conversation about “ugly” vaginas with my friends and me. He said that some vaginas resemble “kebabs” and that a lot of guys are really put off sex when they get a hot girl naked and […]
Cunnilingus is one of the most daunting sexual tasks a person can undertake. It’s one of those unfair facts of life: there’s much more variation in what “works” among the gals than the guys, so there’s no sequence of moves guaranteed to result in her orgasm. But don’t think of her orgasm as being high-maintenance; […]
According to Carlyle Jansen of the Toronto-based sexuality shop Good for Her, multiple orgasms are well within your reach! Check out her expert advice for LELO.com on achieving multiple orgasms below. Are you a one-hit wonder when it comes to clitoral orgasms? Do you, like many of us, experience the intense and sudden post-orgasm “Don’t touch me!” […]
Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in Boston who lectures nationally on women’s health issues and conducts research on reproductive health. She regularly (and generously!) answers your medical questions here on EMandLO.com. To ask her your own, click here. Dr. Kate, My inner labia protrudes out a bit and is a bit large but […]
Dear Em & Lo, My bf and I have sex and it feels so amazing, but after at least 7 to 10 minutes later it begins to hurt and burn. I try using spit to help with the lubrication but that just seems to make matters worst. So how can I use lube during sex […]
Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in Boston who lectures nationally on women’s health issues and conducts research on reproductive health. She regularly (and generously!) answers your medical questions here on EMandLO.com. To ask her your own, click here. Dear Dr. Kate, The hair around my private parts grow […]
Pity the poor labia — they’re more hated on than the Kardashian sisters. Here we debunk ten commons myths about them, to help you the love the labia in your life a little more. MYTH #1: Most women have a matching pair. FACT: Most women have different sized labia — exact symmetry is rare in nature — […]
We’ve had some pretty creative additions to our poll calling for a name for the female equivalent of blue balls. Here are a few recent contenders… Purple Pussy Syndrome, or PPS for short — Christine Bummed beaver, not enough dam wood! — Jeri Wasted Wetness — Coral Cox Blue Cooch — Ricco Blue Box — […]
Dear Em & Lo, I was reading a little about my problem on this website: I have an enlarged labia, which I’ve heard referred to as beef curtains, roast beef, etc. I felt better after reading some of the comments men and women alike posted, but it doesn’t really alleviate my insecurities. It’s such a […]
At what point can we all agree that jokes about protruding inner labia are (a) way past their sell date (seriously, Dane Cook? A “box of cow tongues”? A “high school play curtain”? Are you working from the junior high book of jokes here?); (b) douchey in the extreme; and (c) seriously damaging to women’s […]
photo via flickr Last week a reader named Candi posted the following comment about her sexual insecurities in response to our article “10 Reasons Your ‘Ugly Vagina’ Is Normal and Gorgeous”: I’m so glad to find this site, but I’m still a bit insecure when it comes to my vulva. Reading through all these comments […]
photo via flickr Reader Jane wrote the following in response to our post “10 Reasons Your ‘Ugly Vagina’ Is Normal and Gorgeous.” Will you, our loyal and kind EMandLO.com readers, please set her straight? Will you please reassure her that (a) masturbation and sexual activity do not cause your labia to turn dark and poke out […]
photo by robbie_jim A few days ago, we got this comment in response to the Wise Guy piece “Do Men Care What Labia Look Like?” and all its comments: Amy Lee Says: May 19th, 2012 at 4:57 am e Well,I have large labia and I was hoping to get some assurance from all these men that have […]
photo of clitorial erectile tissue We were actually going to put an asterisk on yesterday’s Wise Guy misstatement about the labia and clitoris not needing to be erect for sex*, but we got lazy. Fortunately for us, Dannie is a great regular commenter around these here parts: If the vulva isn’t engorged with blood, if […]
photo by robbie_jim We were surprised by how many of our readers took offense at our Wise Guys’ response to the recent question, “Do Men Care What Labia Look Like?” To our mind, the guys were basically saying, “Love what you got, most men already do, porn ideals be damned.” But apparently that message didn’t […]