There were audible groans among the crowd — especially from the hetero dads — at my friend’s Super Bowl LII party when Maroon 5’s frontman Adam Levine took off his shirt towards the end of their half-time show and spawned Nipplegate 2. The consensus seemed to be that this was not only cheesy, but inappropriate. Levine […]
We don’t cover sports much around these here parts, for obvious reasons, but we were so moved by our friend Michael’s heartfelt post-game wrap up, that we just had to share it. This is love. Thank you all so much for watching the game at our house. And thank you for your emails of support […]
photo via Flickr Dear Readers (Robert in particular), Our recent post, Is Football More Important Than Rape, syndicated by us from YourTango and written by Charles J. Orlando, ignited one of the most spirited and thoughtful debates has had in a long time. The first response came from Robert, a long-time reader, now (sniff) […]
by Charles J. Orlando for YourTango | photo via flickr It’s time to actually #blamejameis and those who enable him. Mr. Winston: I’ve been following your college football career at Florida State University as quarterback for the Seminoles. You have an incredible arm, and your insight into a defense’s secondary is enviable. You’re a Heisman […]
As of pub time, we have no idea who will win the Germany vs Argentina final today (our guess: Germany; our hope: Argentina), but we do know who’s the winner in our LELO sexy World Cup haiku contest! You guys proved that sex toys and the World Cup go together like Suarez and animal behavior […]
photo via Flickr Riots, schmiots — let’s get to what really matters: who’s the hottest World Cup player? Seriously, we want to know. List your top picks in the comments below, even if they’re already out of the running by now. (If we get enough nominations, we’ll run a hot-off in poll-form next week.) MORE […]
This just in: men account for FOUR OF EVERY FIVE sex toy transactions at in the week before a big sporting event. This is a fact that LELO can prove. On any typical day at, 50% of transactions are made by men, and 50% by women. If you’re surprised by that figure, don’t […]
It wouldn’t be the Super Bowl without a bunch of sex-filled commercials to excite, offend or turn off. Kissing is still the sex act of choice for advertisers (thankfully), so here’s a round up all the big, bold and (only sometimes) beautiful Super Bowl ad kisses.*’s “Perfect Match” If you’ve seen or heard about […]
Bull Durham (1988) We were listening to the “This I Believe” show on our local public radio station a few days ago — “This I Believe” is an international organization that gets people to discuss their core values, and is based on the popular 1950s radio series of the same name, hosted by Edward R. Murrow. They have […]
photo via flickr Advice from three of’s guy friends. This week they answer the following: “Do men really think about baseball to make sex last longer? If they don’t know anything about baseball, what else do they think about?” To ask the guys your own question, click here. Straight Single Guy (Tom Miller): I […]
photo via Flickr Reuters writer Belinda Goldsmith had a great roundup yesterday of “The Women’s Games”, which is what many are calling the 2012 Summer Olympics (which — for those of you living under a rock — just wrapped up this past weekend in London). Here’s a quick summary of the important stats, but the whole article is worth a […]
Okay, so maybe it’s not the first sport you think of when you think of sex appeal. But look a little closer and you’d be surprised to see how much sex there is in tennis. (Though will someone please tell Nadal that biting trophies doesn’t make anyone think of sex, and actually just makes us […]
photo via Nicholas LA Photography on Flickr Justin Huang, a.k.a. Yellow Peril, our newest Wise Guy, has a confession to make, entitled “Asian Men with Balls: The Sociosexual Implications of Linsanity”: I didn’t pay much attention to Jeremy Lin until I realized he was getting me laid. Story of my life: In which my insecurities […]
photo by Gil Searcy Advice from three of our guy friends. This week they answer the following: “What is the connection between sports and sex with guys? For instance, why were certain World Cup teams prevented from having sex while others are given the green light? Is there a connection between testosterone and the thrill […]
photo by Todd Huffman When Craig Venezia, the man behind the Faking a Sportsgasm blog, wrote to us suggesting that our sites had a lot in common, we were wary. On the one hand, we love that he makes fun of macho dudes who slobber and moan over balls and hard pucks. But on the […]
Vancouver is continuing the tradition, started in 1992 at the Barcelona Olympics, of making free condoms available to athletes. They’re matching the amount of 100,000 that the Chinese provided at the last Summer Games. But since there are fewer athletes in the Winter Games than in the Summer, it works out to more condoms per […]