It’s called a “prenook” — and if you’re interested in casual sex, you should get one. We have nothing against casual sex so long as everyone is being safe and the casual nature of the sex is completely mutual. And “mutual” is where things get tricky. May we introduce you to the concept of a […]
Straight ladies, if there’s any chance your evening will end up in a sleepover, transform your purse into a make-shift washbag. Even if there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell you’ll be getting nooky tonight, carry these items with you anyway — because the best hook-ups happen when you least expect them. Compact ballet flats. […]
At least half of all problems associated with casual sex can be traced back to its name: People think that “casual” means the sex takes no thought and fits as comfortably as sweatpants. But the truth is, you have to date for years before sex gets like that. (Monogamy does have a few benefits, after all!) […]
Sex at daybreak (or, if you’re a freelancer, just before noon) isn’t just for newlyweds or long-term couples who happen to be morning people. Sometimes it can work in casual situations, too — in fact, sometimes it’s even better in a casual situation because you haven’t known each other long enough to get truly annoyed […]
photo via Flickr One-night stands are inherently pretty spicy, what with all the excitement of the unknown. But they offer a unique opportunity to expand your sexual repertoire without the possibility of being judged or shamed (at least not by someone you know and love). Next time you take a beautiful stranger back to your […]
Advice from three of our guy friends. This week they answer the following: Do guys ever turn down casual sex? To ask the guys your own question, click here. Straight Married Guy (Jamie): My own experience with casual sex is a bit limited. I was always a “girlfriend guy” and it was only between relationships […]
photo via flickr “If I tell my child, ‘No pizza, no pizza, no pizza,’ what does he want more than anything Pizza!” And so it is with her husband and sex, claims Russian pop star Masha Lopatova. She is married to Andrei Kirilenko, a basketball player for the Brooklyn Nets — and she has told […]
We get a lot of advice questions coming in at, but sadly, we just can’t answer them all. Which is why, once a week, we turn to you to decide how best to advise a reader. Make your call on the letter below by leaving your advice in the comments section. Submit Your Own Question to EMandLO.comTry Our New […]
Reader Lisa said the following in response to the (oldie-but-goodie) post “Wise Guys: Is Sex on a First Date a Relationship Killer?” When you go out with a guy, he’s already decided what he wants out of that relationship, whether it be a LTR or a one night stand. You just have to learn how […]
We’ve always said that if you want to be in an open relationship, it helps if you’re the kind of advanced human being who is missing the jealousy gene. (Neither of us comes even remotely close, for the record.) It just seems like, if you’re going to be cool with your one-and-only kissing someone else […]
photo via flickr G’day mates (yep I’m Australian), Okay, the scenario: Met a guy on a Friday at a shop. Swapped numbers and he asked me out. I couldn’t that weekend cause I was busy with my bday party. He texted me Saturday night to ask how the party was going and mentioned he was close by. […]
photo via “The Voice” Most of the time when celebrities are interviewed, they blab on about how talented the director was or what their craft means to them (yawn). But every now and then they’ll open up about something a little more racy. See if you can match up the following celebrities to their quotes […]
The movie What’s Your Number? (just released on DVD) is based on the totally annoying premise that a woman (played by the usually much funnier and better-than-this Anna Faris) freaks out when she reads a magazine article and discovers that her sexual body count (20) is twice the average. So she decides that rather than […]
Dear Em & Lo, I slept with a co-worker after our holiday office party. We were both very drunk, and while I don’t regret it, I don’t want anything further with him. Unfortunately, he’s giving me all the signals that he’d like for us to continue what was, for me, just a one-night thing. To […]
image from nDevilTV It’s not exactly rocket science to say that men orgasm more often than women when they have sex with each other. Now, if you had to guess, what do you think happens to this orgasm gap as a relationship progresses from casual hookup to repeated hookup to serious commitment? Yep, the orgasm […]
We get a lot of advice questions coming in at, but sadly, we just can’t answer them all. Which is why, once a week, we turn to you to decide how best to advise a reader. Make your call by leaving your advice in the comments section below: Dear Em & Lo, I haven’t […]