photo via Flickr Riots, schmiots — let’s get to what really matters: who’s the hottest World Cup player? Seriously, we want to know. List your top picks in the comments below, even if they’re already out of the running by now. (If we get enough nominations, we’ll run a hot-off in poll-form next week.) MORE […]
Are you separated, divorced, or on your way there? If so, we want to hear from you. (We promise complete anonymity!) We’re working on a new project about happy-ever-afters… and not-so-happy-ever-afters… and we want to interview couples, over email, about the thing that caused their marriage to fail. If you’re interested in sharing your story […]
At what point in a relationship is it acceptable to give a gift that is sex-related — a high-end toy, perhaps, or a saucy costume or, say, a beginner’s guide to kink* (to offer a completely random example…)? After you’ve met each other’s parents? After you’ve met each other’s a-holes? After you’ve shared last names? […]
photo via Flickr And we don’t mean intentionally, when you’re trying to think about baseball stats to prolong your performance. We mean when your mind just wanders — maybe you’re tired or distracted or bored or drunk (or sleeping with someone who’s inept in bed and too drunk to care whether or not you fake). Have you […]
photo via flickr At what point in a relationship is it acceptable to give a gift that is sex-related — a high-end toy, perhaps, or a saucy costume or, say, a beginner’s guide to kink* (to offer a completely random example…)? After you’ve met each other’s parents? After you’ve met each other’s a-holes? After you’ve […]
Question of the week: Can a relationship survive if one person loves their partner more than the other loves them back? Women have been told for generations — usually by their mothers or aunts or grandmothers — that they should “marry a man who loves you just a little more than you love him.” It’s […]
Plug and Socket costume on When you’re in a couple, do you like to coordinate Halloween costumes with your partner? If so, is it something that new couples can do, or should it be saved only until after you’ve farted in front of each other, met each other’s parents, and perhaps even promised eternal […]
The way Hollywood portrays it, you’d think nobody ever worried about getting pregnant or contracting an STD. Safer sex is pretty much nonexistent in mainstream movies. But every now and then, a little latex breaks through. Can you think of any? Let’s see if we can compile a list of the condom’s greatest Hollywood moments […]
The New York Observer reported this week that more and more married couples are taking in roommates, thanks to the economy (and the always tough real estate market in the city). More than one couple noted that having a roommate was actually good for their marriage — it forced them to have more interesting and […]
What would you do if you were the opposite sex for a day? What if you were the opposite sex for a month? For a year? Leave your response in the comments section below (feel free to share your age, sex, relationship status, etc., if it’s relevant to your answer).
photo via flickr Do you ever fantasize about other people during sex with your partner? Does it depend on the relationship (casual vs. long-term)? How often do you think it is acceptable to do this? Do you ever tell your partner that you do this, or is it better to keep this sort of fantasy […]
What’s your opinion on the 69? Is it a win-win in the bedroom, the ultimate in quid-pro-quo? An intense, in-your-face (literally!) intimacy? Or is it distracting/boring/complicated/claustrophobic? Leave your response in the comments section below (feel free to share your age, gender, relationship status, etc., if it’s relevant to your answer).
What’s the one sex toy you’d hate to live without? Your desert island sex toy, if you will. Leave your response in the comments section below (feel free to share your age, gender, relationship status, etc., if it’s relevant to your answer).
The movie What’s Your Number? (just released on DVD) is based on the totally annoying premise that a woman (played by the usually much funnier and better-than-this Anna Faris) freaks out when she reads a magazine article and discovers that her sexual body count (20) is twice the average. So she decides that rather than […]
Occasionally on this site, we ask you guys a nosy question and you can share your answer in the comments section below. Feel free to share your age, gender, relationship status, sexuality, etc., if you feel that it’s relevant to the answer. This week’s Question of the Week: What’s the worst/most inappropriate/most disappointing gift you’ve […]
photo via flickr Occasionally on this site, we ask you guys an impertinent question and you can share your answer in the comments section below. Feel free to share your age, gender, relationship status, sexuality, etc., if you feel that it’s relevant to the answer. This week’s burning (in a good way) question: When in […]