Sometimes sex is no more than a mood you create. The space you find yourself in, the air you breathe, the lights you dim, the furniture you lounge upon, the music you choose to play (no Barry White or his ilk, please) — all these things can serve to ignite your passion…or snuff it. So […]
The blindfolds that comes free with transatlantic flights are sometimes printed with the phrase “forty winks” — and we think we know what kind of winks they’re talking about. Who hasn’t stuffed a complimentary blindfold into their carry-on and thought, “Ooh, I should use that sometime”? But, really, you should. You can go high-end with […]
photo via Flickr Dear Em and Lo, I was married for 20 years and now I am not. I’m not crying in my soup (is that the term?). I’ve learned a lot about what makes for a crappy relationship and bad sex. And I have gained a sense of humor, sexual confidence and a pretty […]
You’d think by now we’d be unshockable, but every year we continue to be flabbergasted by the sheer range of Halloween costumes that are sexed up. (Sexy cheeseburger, seriously?!) What’s not shocking at all: That 99.9% of these costumes are for women. So here are some ideas for men who are looking to gratuitously sex […]
It’s only three weeks to Halloween, which means that if you plan on doing something more elaborate than throwing a sheet over your head and saying BOO! a lot, you better get your act together soon. So, with that in mind, here are our top ten ideas for timely Halloween costumes for couples. We make […]
photo via flickr Our new book, 150 Shades of Play: A Beginner’s Guide to Kink, is on sale now. Here are five good reasons to check it out and get your kink on… 1. INCREASED TRUST It takes a boatload of trust to let someone tie you up or clamp your nipples or spank you […]
Plug and Socket costume on When you’re in a couple, do you like to coordinate Halloween costumes with your partner? If so, is it something that new couples can do, or should it be saved only until after you’ve farted in front of each other, met each other’s parents, and perhaps even promised eternal […]
We get a lot of advice questions coming in at, but sadly, we just can’t answer them all. Which is why, once a week, we turn to you to decide how best to advise a reader. Make your call by leaving your advice in the comments section below. Dear Em & Lo, I had […]
photo from Santa Speedo Run Advice from three of’s guy friends. This week they answer the following: “– What is up with the sexy Santa lingerie meme?” To ask the guys your own question, click here. Married Straight Guy (Jake): This one is all about word association and sneakery. Santa determines if you are naughty or nice, […]
photo by John Brawley If you want to feel like it’s the very first time, then it’s important to keep sex surprising and try new things regularly. You can’t get lazy. So give the following steps a try every now and then. You might feel silly being “experimental,” but the occasional awkward moment is a […]
photo by Mickey Sick Dear Em & Lo, My wife and I have been together just over five years. The other night while having sex, she asked me to slap her in the face. Repeatedly. I was raised not to lay a hand down on a woman, and now I am being asked to. We […]
Advice from three of’s guy friends. This week they answer the following: “You often hear how the rape fantasy is common in the minds of many women. Do men have this fantasy, too?” To ask the guys your own question, click here. Straight Single Guy (Tom Miller): I’m sure lots of men have rape […]
photo by h.koppdelaney We get a lot of advice questions coming in at, but sadly, we just can’t answer them all. Which is why, once a week, we turn to you to decide how best to advise a reader. Make your call by leaving your advice in the comments section below: Dear Em & […]
Advice from three of our guy friends. This week they answer the following: “What’s the best way to get your boyfriend/husband to dress up for Halloween with you, especially if he’s reluctant?” To ask the guys your own question, click here. Straight Married Guy (Matt): I’ve read about women in NYC who trade blowjobs for […]
Which TV show has the best role-playing potential? (Feel free to explain your answer or suggest another option in the feedback section.)Market Research Can’t see the poll? Click here to take it.
photo via Rachel_Kramer_Bussel “Spank Tuesday” continues with this question from a reader: Dear Em & Lo, How do I ask my husband to spank me? It is many years since I was spanked. Do I just ask him or buy a paddle as a Valentine’s gift or what? — Red-Cheeked Wannabe What should Red-Cheeked Wannabe […]