What’s More Important to People: LOVE or LUST? (Survey Results)

Our friends over at LELO surveyed 1000 people from all around the world asking what was more important to them: love or lust? Here are the results! Overall, love is more important than lust for both women and men, except when they’re in open relationships: No matter people’s age, love still trumps lust, but surprisingly, […]

Busted! You & Your Neighbors Are Probably Searching for THIS Kind of Porn Right Now

by Brittany White for YourTango Despite our different cultures and ways of life (and whether Drumpf wins our primary), there’s one thing most states in the U.S. seem to have in common: Our taste in porn. A new survey by from top adult site PornHub conducted with Vocativ found that overall, most states seem to […]

Take This 10-Minute Penis Survey, Get a Free E-Book!

Our friend and colleague, Ian Kerner, the most famous man in sex therapy, founded Good In Bed to help people get better in bed. The site is currently sponsoring a survey (which has been designed by and given IRB approval through the University of Kentucky — i.e. it’s legit) focusing on penis perceptions. So if […]

How “Fifty Shades” Has Changed Sex Over the Past 3 Years

sponsored post As if the whole Internet going gaga over the first trailer for the movie adaptation of E.L. James’ erotic novel “Fifty Shades of Grey” wasn’t evidence enough, our friends over at LELO have actually quantified just how influential the story of Ana, Christian and his woven tie have been on the world’s sexual habits. […]

Infographic: How Sexual Norms Have Evolved in 50 Years

Just when your blood is about to boil over all the reproductive rights rollbacks that have taken place in recent years, when you’re about to puke if you hear one more Fox pundit talk about “family values,” and when when your head is about to explode at the idea that “Dancing with the Stars” is a […]

2012: The Year Vanilla Turned Grey

Our friends at LELO recently surveyed more than 10,000 women from 8 countries and discovered that a “Fifty Shades effect” is occurring in their bedrooms: they’re enjoying more kinky accoutrements, more roleplaying, more power and more adventure. Good thing they just came out with their new Pleasure Sets — Dare Me and Indulge Me — […]

Given a Free Pass for a Fling, Women Would Call an Old Flame

vintage album cover via flickr We’ve long known that The One Who Got Away makes for great late-night Google fantasies. And that makes sense: you rifle through your memory bank after another bad breakup — or after another inane argument with your spouse — and wonder how life would have been different if you’d stayed […]

The Coolest Presentation of Sex Survey Results Ever

Lists of survey percentages can feel so blah on the page — even when they’re about sex. Not so anymore! Introducing The Sexualizer 1000 — an interactive visualization of the 20-question sex survey results of 1000 Brits. (And the fact that it’s about UK citizens only makes it slightly less interesting). The Sexualizer, an offshoot […]

How Sexually Adventurous Are You?

If you answer, there’s a free sex book in it for you! next’s survey is on sexual adventure (Would you like to try something new in the bedroom? What have you done, and what are you up for? What turns you on with your partner?). Take the survey between now and June 22, 2011, and […]

Anal, Orgasms and Advertising

photo by rhys alton One of the most popular and commented-on posts is about strap-on sex. It’s not exactly a point of pride for us. We’re much more about the happy feel-good feminist relationship posts. And we worry that this prominent butt-sex mention is what keeps the advertisers away (of course, it could be the […]

Pop Culture
The GQ Interview with Rielle Hunter

photo from Have you read the no-holds-barred GQ interview with Rielle Hunter, John Edwards’ mistress during his presidential campaign and father of her only child? It’s required reading. Not necessarily for the intimate behind-the-scene details you learn about Edwards’ relationships, both with Hunter and his wife Elizabeth, but for the voyeuristic door it opens […]