Our friend and colleague, Ian Kerner, the most famous man in sex therapy, founded Good In Bed to help people get better in bed. The site is currently sponsoring a survey (which has been designed by and given IRB approval through the University of Kentucky — i.e. it’s legit) focusing on penis perceptions.
So if you are a man or woman over the age of 18 and have a few minutes to answer these questions honestly and thoughtfully, take the survey here. It should take you less than 10 minutes, responses are entirely anonymous, it won’t collect any identifying info, and — best part — at the end, they’ll offer you a coupon code for one eBook from Good In Bed’s wide selection (normally $5.95)!
The offer is good through May 5th. Results will appear on the Good in Bed site as a report, and their findings will also aid in developing the informational resources and advice available on the site.