Naked News (06-16-09)

masturbationphoto by slushpup

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  1. Just a note that the Advocate did a terrible job with pronouns in that “gay marriage” story- one of the couple identifies as female (goes by the name Kimah instead of her birth name, Hakim) and so this would properly be classified a marriage between a man and a transgendered woman.

  2. F: Surveys about sex are notoriously hard to get straight answers on. And when you’re asking about masturbation? Who knows how many respondents tell the truth, even if it’s just an anonymous multiple choice survey. Some people even lie to themselves about sex. That said, this survey did seem fairly legit — it was headed up by a professor of sociology at the University of Chicago. But we agree that a lot of sex surveys should be taken with a pinch of salt — sometimes it’s just fun to mention them to make a point.

  3. Do you actually support what’s said on that study you link to? It feels a little bit er, not too thought-out.

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