Get your gratitude journal on!
Everyone from Oprah to Real Simple to the guy at Harvard who teaches classes on happiness has talked about gratitude journals — you know, every night you write down, say, five things you were grateful for that day. Could be big things (my wonderful supportive family) or small (Honey Bunches of Oats at midnight).
Sounds too simplistic to make you feel better about your life, right? But research shows it really works! And if you’ve ever tried it, then you know it’s legit. So if you have a gratitude journal, great; if not, start one.
Then, make sure you dedicate at least one of the items on your list every day to something sex- or romance-related, to help you feel better about and really appreciate your love life.
Here are 10 examples for inspiration:
The response I got on my dating app today (OR: I didn’t get any gross responses on my dating app today!)
The delicious homemade dinner my partner cooked for me
Choosing sex over tv
The look on my spouse’s face when I surprised them with a sensual massage with oil from a special massage candle
Spontaneous declarations of love from my partner
Glycerine-free, paraben-free, unscented, pH-balanced, non-staining, moisturizing water-based lube.
My spouse’s inclination to split all house chores down the middle
Discovered a new route to my orgasm!
The adorable dimples my partner gets when they smile